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Newday SH's Recent Galleries

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11-Dec-2024 16:46
Bird Gallery
:: Bird Gallery ::
27-Nov-2024 17:31
Vermilion Cliffs
:: Vermilion Cliffs ::
25-Nov-2024 16:49
 West Fork Oak Creek
::  West Fork Oak Creek ::
24-Nov-2024 19:55
 Sedona and Surrounding Area
::  Sedona and Surrounding Area ::
18-Nov-2024 17:39
Misc Wildlife Gallery
:: Misc Wildlife Gallery ::
16-Nov-2024 23:30
:: Bears ::
13-Nov-2024 17:21
Pacific Coastline
:: Pacific Coastline ::
17-Oct-2024 20:54
::  Portraits ::
16-Oct-2024 18:09
Zoo Portraits
:: Zoo Portraits ::