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Bert Ooms's Recent Galleries

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04-Sep-2024 17:31
Ameland birds and more
Ameland birds and more
04-Sep-2024 17:31
Sylvia borin - Garden Warbler - Tuinfluiter
Sylvia borin - Garden Warbler - Tuinfluiter
02-Sep-2024 14:17
Bourtanger Moor - Bargerveen National Park
Bourtanger Moor - Bargerveen National Park
27-Aug-2024 17:38
Luscinia megarhynchos - Nightingale - Nachtegaal
Luscinia megarhynchos - Nightingale - Nachtegaal
25-Aug-2024 17:42
Bourtanger Moor - Bargerveen Landschap - Scenery
Bourtanger Moor - Bargerveen Landschap - Scenery
15-Aug-2024 17:25
Oenanthe oenanthe - Northern wheatear - Tapuit
Oenanthe oenanthe - Northern wheatear - Tapuit
15-Aug-2024 17:20
Luscinia svecica - Bluethroat - Blauwborst
Luscinia svecica - Bluethroat - Blauwborst
15-Aug-2024 17:17
Sylvia communis - Common Whitethroat - Grasmus
Sylvia communis - Common Whitethroat - Grasmus
07-Aug-2024 16:53
Phylloscopus collybita - common chiffchaff - Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus collybita - common chiffchaff - Tjiftjaf
07-Aug-2024 16:53
Exploring field and forest around my house
Exploring field and forest around my house
07-Aug-2024 15:27
Prunella modularis - dunnock - Heggemus
Prunella modularis - dunnock - Heggemus
06-Aug-2024 18:00
Lanius collurio - Red-backed Shrike - Grauwe klauwier
Lanius collurio - Red-backed Shrike - Grauwe klauwier