:: Portraits in Black and White ::
Environmental portraits made between 1984/2000 Most of these were published in NOW Magazine, Toronto
:: Scanned Wild Flowers with their Ectoplasmic Energy FroZen in Time. ::
These are images of wild flowers and what their smells might look like to a Butterfly or a Bumble Bee because of molecular thermoelectrics. .These are Scanned wildflowers from Val Morin, Quebec 2000 AD They took 8 years to make from start to finish. ***********
:: My Fishy Friends * 2024 ::
Friends with wild lake fish: This is year ten that I have been friends with a group of wild Fish in my town. They all so know me and wait for me every spring time.I have named two of these fish Claude Monet and Cleopatra. I have about seven bass that have joined my club and about twenty sunfish as well.I take photographs of them and they swim with me good distances and allow me to touch and hold them because I also feed them. It is a marvellous feeling being friends with wild fish. They are mostly Bass and Sunfish. I am not so much friends with the catfish here either. There are a few other of my fish photos from other places like Mexico but only a few. Oh my!
:: HoLy * CoW !!! A portrait of India from an UDderLY different perspective. ::

Holy Cow was my way of saying ......Thank You !!!! to the friendly loving cow that has supplied humans with what are considered the best things in life. It's another relationship all together, when cows roam freely and have the choice to interact how ever they wish. I chose India to make the Cow the true Star that it is because it's been respected and worshipped there from time before memory and I grew up raising cows as a boy. When this opened in India I was covered by every major Newspaper, Tv and Radio back in 1995. I became a National Celebrity in the country at that time. Also I was runner by a car on Christmas Day in Benares India, a 12,000 year old city and made the front page of the local Newspaper as the official Miracle for Christmas by their God Shiva because I was devoted to the Cow!.
These are all proofs and not the gold toned originals that toured the world.
These images were made over an 10 year period. 1988-1998 While working on this project I had about 30
situations where I think the cow read my mind. Certainly a form of ESP exists with this Bovine.The original exhibition prints are all Archival Gold Toned Silver Prints.These are proofs to protect my images. The show has been exhibited @ OK Harris Gallery, New York City, Lithuanian Museum of Art,Chicago, Montreal, National Center for the Performing Arts,Piramel Gallery ,Mumbai, India , Toronto and Touring show with Fuji Film Galleries,Lithuania Subjects include, Nandi, Shivas Bull, Khamadenhu,Cow Bell, Gau Mata, Goshalla or Mother Cow, Holy Provider, Shapeshifter,Gomukka,Cow Dust,When the cows come home,Cow Yoga Position. Guru,Holy Man, Sacred Bovines and more....Pongal Festival,
:: Greek Statues" Born in Stone" ::

Stone is the primordial and most prevalent medium of the human race. It was the original material of habitation in caves and stone huts and the substance that gave shape to our greatest monuments and places of worship. Everyday-stone eventually gave way to the refinement and elegance of marble, and the ever-presence and durability of granite, but stone is stone and it has served humanity in all its quests including the artistic.
There are shapes and spirits in stone, there are gods and heroes and common folk and ideas and poetry in stone; it can be claimed that all that is dear and all that is feared in every aspect of the human experience begins in stone and can be expressed by variously manipulating it, carving it, shaping it, taming it, building with it, but never totally conquering it because it is more powerful and all-encompassing even than the infinite capacity of the human mind. Many of these are sculptures are from the island of KOS Museum. They are of the ancient Greek Gods and other famous persons of the time.. Hermes, Hippocrates, Artemis, Athena, Pan etc... This is a work in progress, so please do return to see how these images will change as my technique gets better.
The very best of this work was eventually exhibited at The National Archeological Museum , Athens, Greece 2015. It was called Born in Stone.
:: 1984 Altered *** St@teS.... Images Burnt with FiRE ::

In 1984 my parents farmhouse burnt down, which stored my belongings. Upon returning I found in the ashes some slides I had taken years earlier. The slides were remarkably transformed by the fire, then the winter with snow , freezing rain and then all of the summer's treatment.... until I dug them out in the fall, when I finally returned. So amazed by the few that had images left on them , they looked like they were photographs of the decisive moment of nuclear destruction. Later I decided to immitate the process by painting the slides with common household toxic ingredients, like fingernail polish, Easy-Off, airplane glue, magic markers, and then burning them with fire.
*******On some slides the images were burnt off then reburnt on again without burning through the slide,this is my DoubleBurN Technique.******** A real phoenix and the fire story. This portfolio was also called Meltdown at one time.
Published in Darkroom Photography Magazine twice. Photo Life and various newspapers. The image of Flowering Destruction,"Woman in Market" won me a bronze medal at the New York City International Art Competition 1985, and a Gold Award in an International Environmental Photography show in Lithuania called "Earth Everybodies Home".1996.
********************************************************************************** THESE ARE Burnt Painted Slides NoT PHOTOSHOP IMAGES ***************************************
:: Jack Frost's Art work. 2023 ::
Every picture here will soon have a small person in it someplace. Can you spot them all?
:: Abandoned around the Mediterranean ::
:: Sacred Sadhus Portraits @ 1998 Kumbh Mela & 2010 Maha Kumbh Mela ::
In 1998 I attended the Kumbh Mela in Hardwar, India. After many tests,without knowing it I became the official photographer of the Sadhus. These are but a few from about 100 portraits I made. Through out the 6 weeks I was to participate in the festival, I witnessed many magical events. But the best was developing my film on site and giving each of them their portrait as quickly as 2 hours later.
Now twelve years later I have returned for the follow up Kumbh Mela at Haridwar. I find old friends with the Sadhus and find out some of the cherished ones I knew have passed away.
:: My Uncharted Tour of Scattered Destinations 1973-2024 ::
Images from my current and past travels.
:: Cemetery Moments* Graven Images Mark Anthony Kemezys RIP 1973-2009 ::

********My brother....Mark Anthony Kemezys son of Ms Freda Kemezys and Dr K. Kemezys of Norridgewock Maine passed away on March 5, 2009 in Augusta, Maine after his first Chemo theraphy session for lung cancer.
Mark, a true-blue son of Maine, was born, bred and lived his life alongside the Kennebec River in Madison, Norridgewock, Skowhegan, Waterville, Winslow and Augusta. He was known to be a fair guy, non judgmental and always focused.... He was keen on having a Memorable Time ! Mark was also known under the nick names ....Burt Reynolds and The Doc. We will miss the patience Mark had for others in his own quiet way. "So take those who like you not for granted... Better yet appreciate them. For one day they will be gone and all that will be left is Memories."
********He was a friend to all and always tried to make the most of things by never complaining. He lived a Brave Life and cherished his Friends. I will miss him Dearly.This Portfolio has images from 1979 to 2009
:: Sunflower Study ::
These are images of some sunflowers a friend gave to me. I photographed them over a couple of weeks as they slowly diminished from vibrant and bright to withered and faded. I enjoyed the process and the images I made of these flowers kept me transfixed as they revealed images of unimagined beauty through every aspect of their life.