Arlon |
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Collection with no direction..
:: Dad's old pics from Japan and Korea 1951/52 ::
:: Various road trips ::
:: Various park galleries ::
:: Midland Texas and Vicinity ::
:: Some of my favorite panoramas ::
:: Some of my favorites converted to B&W ::
:: favorite bug macro and close ups ::
:: humor from our cats ::
:: moon shots, Comet Holmes, sun, etc... ::
:: just birds ::
:: Flower galleries ::
:: Various macro galleries ::
:: "catch all" ::
:: self portraits and portraits of self! ::
:: junk ::
:: Vehicles ::
:: Mostly manual lens and accessory collection ::
:: Light painting examples. ::
:: Samples tone mapped with MacPhun Aurora software ::
:: Wife's quilts ::
:: Rockart panels and Dolan Falls 2024 ::
:: NPSOT Pics ::
:: Old Singer Sewing Machines ::
click on thumbnails for full image