19-Nov-2014 16:16

:: 151 Kayla Gordon on Ollie, Champagne Stables, LLC ::
19-Nov-2014 16:14

:: 150 Hannah Wears on Pete, Champagne Stables, LLC ::
19-Nov-2014 16:10

:: 149 Hannah Wears on Pete, Champagne Stables, LLC ::
19-Nov-2014 16:06

:: 148 Kylie Cordova on Hoppy, Hawkewood Farm Stables ::
19-Nov-2014 16:03

:: 147 Rebecca (Becky) Smith on Highly Charged LF, Serenity Stables, LLC ::
19-Nov-2014 15:59

:: 146 Mia Steele on Jewel of the Opera, Avalon Riding Academy and Stables ::
19-Nov-2014 15:55

:: 145 Erin Reiley on Rare Treasure, Arbordale Riding Academy ::
19-Nov-2014 15:52

:: 144 Danielle Frances on Sunny Acres in a Flash, Arbordale Riding Academy ::
19-Nov-2014 15:49

:: 143 Kennedy Wilson on Nanette Lepore, Five Gaits Stables ::
19-Nov-2014 15:45

:: 142 Grace Parker on Nanette Lepore, Five Gaits Stables ::
19-Nov-2014 15:43

:: 141 Jesse Andrews on Sweet Shobasco, Five Gaits Stables ::
19-Nov-2014 15:41

:: 140 Stephanie Shimer on Sassafrass Hills Second the Motion, Five Gaits Stables ::