Message from Cecilia Lim
PHOTOGRAPHY is a passion which I got into quite by accident. It was something I did to quell the boredom while my husband, a keen photographer, took his time with his photographic explorations during our travels. I started out making typical tourist snapshots with a 35mm Pentax Espio 128. Encouraged by somewhat good results but realizing the limitations of the camera, I eventually took over my husband's digital Canon Powershot Pro90 in 2001. In December 2003, he presented me with the Canon 300D/Rebel as a gift, which was an overwhelming gesture of encouragement to me because of his faith in my photographic eye.
Photography is now a creative outlet which I enjoy and am now pursuing much more seriously, with much help and guidance from a great photographer, teacher and friend, Phil Douglis. He has an excellent cyberbook on expressive photography at
Although travel photography is my first love, my interests have now extended beyond that genre. Most of my work initially published here were made from the Canon Powershot Pro90, a dinosaour by today's standards, but I will include more recent works from my Rebel in time to come.
I still consider myself very much a beginner and don't consider myself anything more than a "Professional Idiot Photographer". But for one who used to think that lugging a camera around for birthday parties is even a chore, now I would happily lug my Rebel, macro, wide angle & telephoto lenses, tripod, cable release and filters thousands of miles across the globe - all in the pursuit of capturing that perfect moment that tells an evocative story. And I take great pleasure in sharing my pursuits here. I currently reside in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and travelling is another passion that lets me explore the world with my camera.
I hope you enjoy my photos, and I welcome any constructive criticism as they will be deeply appreciated. If my photos have touched you or left an impression on you in anyway, I would be thrilled to hear about them too. Thank you very much for taking the time to visit my site ~ Cecilia

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