Message from Cristian Jensen
 Audouin Birding Tours - Birdwatching in Spain - Catalonia based in the Ebro Delta -
I grew up in Barcelona and I'm an enthusiastic birder since I was 12 years old and I been bird watching all over Spain (including the islands) and half of Europe. I have been working professionally in different aspects of bird life during the last ten years. I have been involved in conservation work like the reintroduction of Peregrine Falcons in Barcelona and worked in Mauritius for Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. I also volunteered for many years in DEPANA (Nature Conservation NGO). I'm a member of SEO/Birdlife and the Ornithological Catalan Institut (ICO). I also worked for ICO, DEPANA and the Iberian Ringing Group (GIA) as ringer or research assistant. I also participated in educational projects for schools, but since 2000 I have become increasingly focused on leading birding tours throughout Spain.
I'm educated forest ranger and environmental educator. I speak Spanish, Catalan and English and also basic Danish.
I run toguether with Iben Hove Sørensen, Audouin Birding Tours where I do most of the guidings.
Audouin Birding Tours is based in the little mountain village of Freginals, on the edge of the Ebro delta. After several years of guiding for other companies, Cristian Jensen Marcet and Iben Hove Sørensen established the company in 2005 to be able to offer their own tours and activities. The company is named after the rare and beautiful Audouin’s Gull, which is breeding and commonly seen in the Ebro Delta. The gull itself was originally named after the famous French traveller and ornithologist Jean Victoire Audouin.
The main focus of Audouin Birding Tours is the lands surrounding the Ebro River, including the huge Ebro Delta and the mountain chains Els Ports and Montsià, but tours are planned throughout Spain. Well-known as well as less visited birding localities in Spain are explored, and suggestions for new destinations are always welcome. The aim of Audouin Birding Tours is to provide fellow bird watchers with high quality birding and great experiences, and we welcome birders with all levels of experience. All trips and day excursions will be arranged considering the experience and general preferences of the participating customers – we are just as happy to spend a day searching for a single elusive species as we are enjoying the abundant shorebirds of the Ebro Delta. Our Mercedes Vito minibus has large windows which are excellent for birdwatching and allows all participants to enjoy the surroundings. We are able to offer guidings in English, Spanish, Catalan, and Danish.
 Audouin Birding Tours - Excursiones para la observacion de Aves en el Delta del Ebro, Ports y otras destinaciones en Catalunya y España -