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Ehud Dekel's Recent Galleries

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03-Dec-2024 21:15
Tel-Aviv & Yafo
gallery: Tel-Aviv & Yafo
01-Dec-2024 09:23
The Pics that won't Fit Anywhere
gallery: The Pics that won't Fit Anywhere
30-Nov-2024 11:38
On the Face of It
gallery: On the Face of It
28-Nov-2024 14:24
gallery: Hypertext
19-Nov-2024 10:05
Protesting against Netanyahu and his Criminal Government
gallery: Protesting against Netanyahu and his Criminal Government
10-Nov-2024 10:43
Judean Desert and Dead Sea, Israel
gallery: Judean Desert and Dead Sea, Israel
30-Sep-2024 14:51
Urban Jungle
gallery: Urban Jungle
20-Aug-2024 09:14
gallery: deck-Tective
19-Aug-2024 09:13
gallery: Solitaire
24-Jul-2024 10:10
gallery: Greece
21-Jun-2024 12:34
Weird Symmetry
gallery: Weird Symmetry
16-Jun-2024 16:19
Galilee hills
gallery: Galilee hills