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Maaike Huizer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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William Barletta07-May-2013 14:33
A superb home page
Eddie Frelford 18-Mar-2012 23:34
Hi Maaike, i was just wondering how my poem 'port wine stain' ended up underneath your photograph of the bottle of port? nice picture by the way

Eddie Frelford, Wales, U,K
monching14-Sep-2010 03:59
you have a wonderful photo site, your images are captivating.

thanks also for your reply on my post at PBase on "marquee". I have this feature already in one of my galleries.

María Cano03-Jul-2010 18:14
Hi Maaike,

It is a pleasure to look at your photos, especially the close-up and macros. I can assure you I spend time looking at them. They are a source of inspiration for me. Thanks for sharing. I will keep coming
Raf31-Jul-2009 08:01
Een plezier om door je galerijen te "wandelen". Dikwijls fotografeer je dingen vanuit een verrassende hoek en met een uitstekend oog voor verhoudingen en lijnenspel. Knap werk.
Kerry Tingley10-Jul-2009 14:38
Maaike, Pbase kept linking the two pictures. I'd fix one and the other would change too. They are correct now. I'm sitting in a little padded cell after a day of frustration! Lol!
Marc Vermeulen09-Jan-2009 00:08
Best wishes to you and to yours at 2009!
And thanks that you visit my site regulary.
gerie 30-Nov-2008 10:00
Hallo Maaike,

Ik kwam jouw site tegen en ben onder de indruk van jouw werk..
Enkele vragen (als je tijd hebt):
Ik heb zelf de E-510 met kitlenzen (14-42 en 70-150)
Je vemeldt in je profiel dat je ook in het bezit bent van de zuiko digital 70-300.
Ik ben van plan om die aan te schaffen...Hoe bevalt die lens jou en heb je daar foto's van op je site staan?
En tenslotte...wat zijn nu de grootste verschillen tussen de E-3 en de E-510 in de praktijk?

Alvast bedankt en groet

Gerie Sandmann

P.S.: als je wat van mijn foto's wilt zien kijk dan op:
Pawel Kazmierczyk06-Aug-2008 11:37
Hi Maaike, as usual, yours are amazing galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your galleries - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Pawel
Guest 17-Jul-2008 21:46
Thanks for the comment
Mark Elert08-Apr-2008 21:17
Hello Maaike, thanks for your comment. I really like your galleries. You really manage to see the picture in all of your surroundings. Regards Mark
Jean-Claude Liehn02-Apr-2008 04:00
Your country is a place I like to make pictures from. After two recent trips, I planed to be back in the Netherlands in april. One of the reason, is what you show is your galleries about dutch architecture. After the wellknown places (Amsterdan, Den Haag, Texel...), I intended to visit less known places, where, as you show us, we can found beautiful buildings. I plane also to see farms in the Frise. Thanks for what you demonstrated about your very photogenic country. Jean-Claude, Reims, France.
Marc Vermeulen27-Mar-2008 14:44
Sta steeds verwonderd van je prachtige architectuurfotografie, sommigen gebouwen inspireren me om nachtfotografie op toe te passen.
Grtz, Marc
BleuEvanescence25-Mar-2008 14:16
TU es invité(e)(pas obligé) à la 4e édition du Challenge PBase...
YOU are invited (no obligation) to the 4th Edition of the PBase challenge...
Jeroen Bosman09-Jan-2008 22:27
Ha Maaike, sterkte met je rug! Groet, Jeroen
Guest 07-Jan-2008 14:33

Wonderful images. You have a keen eye for architecture and landscape!!
Victoria29-Nov-2007 15:25
Amazing gallery, i just so love them....cheers ..keep them on
Jarek M14-Nov-2007 10:22

Thanks for visiting my gallery and your comments,

Guest 07-Nov-2007 21:46
Great Gallery
Guest 18-Oct-2007 03:19
Hey Maaike,
I just wanted to say how much I admire your amazing work. You are very creative and original and I greatly enjoy looking through your galleries.
Jean-Claude Liehn17-Oct-2007 18:45
Indeed, an excellent eye, especially for straight lines and symetry. An architectural eye. Congratulations for this serious and inspired work. Jean-Claude, Reims, France.
Adalberto Tiburzi16-Sep-2007 12:55
An excellent eye for detail and composition you have!
Debbie Blackburn Beierle10-Sep-2007 05:27
Hello Maaike! I have added you to my "favorites" list! I really enjoy your perspective and creativity! Very refreshing. Thank you so much for your kind comments and words of encouragement. It is very much appreciated! Debbie
YAA01-Sep-2007 08:46
Vary places, interesting themes, nice photos. :)

Welcome to "Canon.G7 -- Traveller BlockNote"
Ernst van Loon04-Aug-2007 07:49
Hoi Maaike, mooie nieuwe homepage heb je gemaakt. Klasse! Die nieuwe slideshowfunctie weet je goed te gebruiken.

Johnny Rasmussen01-Aug-2007 16:06
Today I spent some time to look at your architecture and flower galleries. You are a talented photographer. I especially enjoyed the dutch architecture.
Tracy Stubberfield31-Jul-2007 14:34
Your galleries are super! My interpretation gallery and your web page are awesome!Thanks
Guest 24-Jul-2007 03:22
Thanks for your kind comments. When I saw the topic "yellow", I thought of that photo because "yellow.jpg" was the only name I could ever think of for it.
Guest 23-Jul-2007 19:17
Excellent photography and great colours! As an architecture freak, I love your Dutch Architecture gallery!
DENZA15-Jun-2007 11:35
Hi Maaike
Thank you again for your welcome and adding me to your favourites. I have stored you in my favourites as well. I really like your work. As I go through the PAD my always catches certain shots and then I go visit the galleries, and I am usually right about the artist. All it takes is one photo to know that you like someone's work.

I look forward to your visits as well.
Guest 13-Jun-2007 14:55
You got some mad skills.
Guest 02-May-2007 17:38
thanks for visiting my galleries and leaving a comment. i'm really grateful and thanks again and i hope it wont be the last. and by the way im heading to amsterdam this may any suggestion on places to see?
Guest 28-Apr-2007 20:55
Hi Maaike
Thank you so very much for your recent messages about images from my galleries and your constant support.I apologise for not responding to every recent message or your images but I hope to do better in the future!My very best wishes and thanks, David. :0)
Guest 11-Apr-2007 11:46
It was a joy to read your comments, Maaike. I also enjoyed visiting your galleries. Good luck with your PAD journey. :)
anuschka10-Apr-2007 15:05
Hi Maaike,
Tot dusver alleen de bloemen bekeken; erg mooi!
Ook de presentatie van je werk; pico bello
Om die lenzen zou een mens bijna een Olympus kopen.....
Groetjes en ik kom terug.
Pawel Kazmierczyk05-Apr-2007 20:43
a gallery which is a real pleasure to visit. I absolutely love the way you arrange the Photo-a-Day gallery by monthly topic. Keep them coming. Pawel
Guest 26-Mar-2007 18:56
Hoi Maaike,

Je hebt een geweldige gallerie met veel prachtige foto's om te zien. Ga zo door!

Veel groetjes,
Guest 24-Mar-2007 16:55
Hi Maaike
Thank you so very much for visiting my galleries and leaving your valued comments! I watch your work nearly every day and must say I am impressed with your images.Take care!
Best wishes, David.
cat bounds21-Mar-2007 15:31
Hi, Maaike :)
Your galleries are wonderful; I'm glad I found them. I will be back to browse often. Thanks very much for your comments in mine.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:34
You're a true artist.
Gervan11-Feb-2007 23:10
Leuk dat je je prachtige foto's via pbase aan de wereld hebt getoond. Ik zit er steeds weer van te genieten. Ook de manier waarop je je site hebt ingericht is mooi en zeer origineel.
Veel succes,
Rosemarie Kusserow09-Feb-2007 15:32
Hi Maaike, thanks for your kind comments and for your vote on my abstract gallery, I´m glad you like my shots, I enjoyed to view at your works best wishes, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 24-Jan-2007 23:17
Maaike, thanks for your kind comments on my staircase gallery. I really enjoyed viewing your Zoetermeer gallery--lots of well-seen and taken architectural images. I can tell at a glance that you also have fine work in your other galleries, and I will be back to view these.
Regards, Steve
Terri Steele19-Jan-2007 23:55
You are quite a good photographer and very creative. I enjoy looking at your work! ;)
Guest 14-Jan-2007 22:27
You have many nice galleries and very good presented, congratulations.
Carol12-Jan-2007 00:36
Thank your comment~
Guest 08-Jan-2007 03:20
I really like your gallery, there are a lot of nice photos, will keep coming.
Thanks for commenting on my galleries.
Andrew Cornick07-Jan-2007 12:28
Maaike, so pleased to have found your galleries. Some super, imaginative work.
Guest 29-Dec-2006 21:01
Je site gaat er steeds mooier uitzien, mijn complimenten!! Groetjes Ieke
Guest 24-Dec-2006 01:12
I have added you to my favourites! Wonderful floral photography :^)
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography23-Dec-2006 01:48
I really like your galleries, you have a lot of great images here, my compliments :)
Daniel Beams20-Dec-2006 14:14
I really enjoyed your galleries. You have a great eye for perspective and composition. I lived in the Netherlands 20 years ago and your galleries brought back many memories.
Carole Stevens15-Dec-2006 09:03
A lovely set of galleries a pleasure to look through!Some very original and unique work!
shatterbug15-Dec-2006 02:28
Some very nice photos here...and thanks for visiting my galleries!
Guest 10-Dec-2006 05:40
Nice images, and very good work in presenting the galleries.
Yiannis Pavlis04-Dec-2006 03:12
you have some truly great work here.Excellent variety and great demonstration of your skill with the camera.
Best regards Yiannis
will check back when I have more time.
laine8201-Dec-2006 20:21
Congratulations on some very nice work & thanks for visiting mine !!
beverley harrison01-Dec-2006 18:41
you have some lovely images, keep up the good work.
J. Scott Coile30-Nov-2006 21:03
It is a pleasure to have stumbled into your work through the Thursday challenge! NICE!
Guest 30-Nov-2006 14:37
I really like your gallery, there are a lot of nice photos, keep up :)
roulette 28-Nov-2006 05:09
u have the beauty site
roulette 28-Nov-2006 02:03
u have the beauty site
moon (Singapore) 26-Nov-2006 07:35
well done!
marwil ter Horst11-Oct-2006 17:36
Hallo Maaike, je post ontvangen maar e.e.a is niet geheel duidelijk. Ik mis iets in je uitleg dat is hetgeen achter: moet je een aparte.....???? daar zie ik 'n blokje staan.
Misschien lastig voor je maar ik krijg het zo niet voor elkaar.


Hoi mede-DFF-er

Dank voor je positieve reactie.
Ik stuur je een kopie van wat ik heb ingevuld bij "description" in "edit this gallery". Je moet natuurlijk wel zelf de teksten aanpassen. Voor de titelfoto moet je een aparte gallery maken, waarin je de foto die je wilt gebruiken, plaatst. Als je dat gedaan hebt, open je de desbetreffende foto en kopieer je de URL. Die plaats je vervolgens tussen , zoals dat ook bij mij is gebeurd.
Hoop dat het zo voldoende duidelijk is. Laat het even weten als het is gelukt (of niet).
gr. Maaike
Guest 17-Aug-2006 16:07
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my BW gallery!
Guest 07-Aug-2006 17:29
Thank you for commenting on my abstract gallery!
Guest 26-Jul-2006 20:29
Hoi Maaike, Je wilt graag opbouwende kritiek... Wel, ik vind je foto's mooi wat betreft compositie, spanning, belichting en gekozen standpunten. Ook zijn ze allemaal scherp! Ik heb genoten en ik heb je bij mijn favorieten gezet. Vele groeten, Ieke
Ernst van Loon04-May-2006 05:35
Hallo Maaike,
Ik vind je foto's er mooi, compositie en belichting kloppen helemaal. "We want more!"

Welkom bij Pbase!