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Wendy 06-Aug-2019 21:46
You're view will be missed.
Janine Lindsey 24-Feb-2014 12:51
Hi Scott, I "Googled" your name and came across this photo sight. Again, very impressive. When you do something you show dedication to the fullest. You have honed your talents to the extreme. Keep it going.
Hans Lerch 23-Apr-2011 08:32
I recently joined pbase & love your photos! I think it's insane how others are clearly envious of your talent. I say hello to you from Switzerland!
L Armond 20-Jan-2011 05:50
Thank you for '...Connective Tissue'. Will spend more time with it. And yes, I love the photographs. Retinal Photography, must look that up. Had interns hub bubbing outside the cubicle when I got eye exam, crowd grew for 'miracle' I was relaxed, but curious about miracle. Then head guy came up hall asking 'what's up.' You can imagine what he heard. Evidently I have retina shaped like Star of David, or Bethlehem. Head guy shewed them away. I can't look in camera, but when learning to draw and paint, I too felt 'connective tissue,' only I called it a 'hinge.', the edge, the shading, enabling one to turn the corner and walk around in your mind and experience.
Geraldine Sithton 05-Jan-2011 10:59
Thrille you are going strong in 2011! You are amazing!
Michael Richardson 29-Dec-2010 11:09
Those who bahs you are jealous of your talent! I love your visions!
Guest 26-Dec-2010 10:14
I am thrilled you post your Street Photography! You are a gift!
yao15-Sep-2010 13:35
nice photography and very nice view
Tony Hobbs22-Aug-2009 19:48
Amazing work.
Ellen 26-Jan-2009 02:13
Re: "Going the Distance" Thanks for sharing. You have a wonderful and natural photography skill.
Guest 14-Jan-2009 23:26
Hi Scott-- checking out your new stuff-- i like it. miss you, Lesa
Guest 30-Nov-2008 03:46
Still have Mabels' pic in the garage, 10 years now . I have never sat down and read like the day I opened my 1st Horse in 96. Since sold my bike and do not care to get another, but I am the hunt for a car much like yourself. You are still a great inspiration to me and my life. Thanks, SCott
Guest 05-Aug-2008 09:39
THANKS for sharing. superb shots, you can feel the metropoli while going through y galleries,

regards from Barcelona, Volker
Leland Wong26-Nov-2007 16:19
Thanks for dropping by. If you say you're about a mile FROM Chinatown, then you are IN Chinatown. I haven't been to NYC for many years, but from what people tell me, "Chinatown" has really sprawed in all directions. Sounds like you're about my generation...what ever happened to the dancing chicken of Mott Street?
Guest 19-Oct-2007 14:40
Yes Scott,street photography is great,just like your work.
Guest 18-Oct-2007 11:35
Impressive amount of wonderful work. You are a true master of street photography. Thanks!
Enrico Martinuzzi08-Jun-2007 09:29
Thousands of photos to look at... I have to come back over and over to carefully see everything, to admire and to think.
Definitely a set of galleries to take inspiration from, especially for B&W!

Andrys Basten31-Jan-2007 12:52
"STRING SECTION" title - Too good. Didn't want to scroll the thread too fast
so am giving feedback here.
Andrys Basten31-Jan-2007 12:50
"The King's Food Taster" title for S&T Forum photo. Hilarious!
Guest 27-Jan-2007 20:03
Hi Scott,
I've been following the "How long is too long" thread with great amusement. I like the work you post and find it quite inspiring. There is a man I admire who's favorite quote is "You know you've become successful when people start to criticize you". Seems like you've arrived I'd say.

Keep up the good, and prolific, work

Guest 06-Jan-2007 10:41
Dear Scott,

Thank you for your kind words on my "Tokyo moments
Gallery. The Story of your Son is very simular to
mine... and i followed with the passion of my heart
to this country to have a new beginning...

You have really great images in your Gallery,
especualy the B&W images...are Beautiful....

Guest 18-Nov-2006 23:40

You have a wonderful eye for details and composition. I will come back for more!
Soenda16-Nov-2006 07:48
Looks like somebody dragged the city slicker out into the desert beauty of Red Rock. On you, landscape looks good. ;^)
Guest 01-Oct-2006 19:56
your pictures are very alluring and as one begins to explore them more closely the pictures begin to sing with detail and fun.
Guest 27-Sep-2006 22:13
Hi Scott, I'm glad to have found your gallery. I miss seeing your images on FM.

Guest 22-Sep-2006 20:42
Hi there. I'm so glad you posted your backyard shot--it's truly wonderful. You have quite a gift and I've enjoyed your galleries!
Henriëtte 20-Sep-2006 11:22
Thanks for your compliment. I will visit your forum soon.
Larry Cafaro & Jessica Kerr 18-Sep-2006 20:27
Lovely images.
Soenda05-Aug-2006 11:08
I'm glad you're glad that I'm out hitting the streets and taking photos. I just took your advice, after all. Sometimes I get nice compliments on my work. That's when I wish I could explain the leg up that studying your approach and style gave me. "I studied at the Genghis Institute of Photography," I'd like to say. After all, credit where credit is due. Not that I'm trying to be just like if that were even remotely possible...but I do remember many bits of advice you gave me, as well as studying your photos and getting you to answer questions about them. So...thanks, G. I hope that I can continue to get lessons in iconoclastic photography from you occasionally. I would like that very much.
Guest 19-Jul-2006 20:31
Checkin out your website again. Very nice.

love, sister Nancy
Lilith14-Jul-2006 17:44
Hmm... Scott, your comment made me return to your site.
Again I am fascinated by your street pics. They have a special attraction.
Rebecca 13-Jul-2006 09:22
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
Lilith12-Jul-2006 09:26
Thanks for your comment!
Geez, I wasn't aware of the effect of my photos.
I like your street pics very much.
With love,
Suzie Arnegger 05-Jul-2006 15:00
Hi Scott
Great photos
Good Luck with your work 04-Jun-2006 12:07
Hola me encanta el trabajo que estan haciendo y me encantaria poder participar.
Sam_C19-May-2006 08:13
Hey Scotty, I was one of your closet fans on Fred Miranda. I don't know what happened over there, but it's not the same without you there buddy. Glad you have this website though. great work, keep it up! Best, Sam
Merv 27-Apr-2006 15:07
Scott, Just love the images around NY. Makes we want to go there to take some! Love the posts on FM.
Carol 01-Jan-2006 17:43
Hi Scott, I'm at the Spalter's (stayed @ country house for New Years) and asked Diane if they ever hear from u and Diane directed me to this site. Wow, love the photos! Never knew about this. I'm still @CPMC (19yrs) in oncology. Be well and I wish u a great 2006.
Guest 13-Dec-2005 13:38
Scott, Your photography is great. Just knowing of you through your Iron Horse writings I never suspected you to be able to come across so well with a camera. Keep up the camera and put down the pen.
Rob De 27-Nov-2005 21:55
Scott, enjoyed your website. Photos are great Nice seeing you again at Dr Rosenthals. Thanks for Digital camera advice - but have more questions? Can I e-mail? Rob De
michael arnegger 18-Nov-2005 02:20
Hello old friend. A wonderful representation of the body of your work, thank you.
Doris Dieter 03-Nov-2005 19:53
Scott, Great photos. Thanks for sharing them with me.
Malcolm Dee 03-Nov-2005 12:16
You have a great eye, Scott. And a witty way to tell a story in a single image.
I always enjoy your work very much. It makes me think, too.
CJR 18-Oct-2005 01:20
Nice place you've got here, thanks for inviting me over....
Anne Young15-Oct-2005 20:30
You've got quite a collection here! Wonderful work.
Tom Clark 03-Oct-2005 01:42
Hey Scott, Try writing for The Horse back street choppers, We miss you old Iron Horse gripes and oppinions. What Happend to Iron Horse? that rag was great
Concertina Exclusiva 17-Sep-2005 17:20
Definitely aglow from excitement about this new neon period of your work. However, don't forget your fans, who keep clamouring for more portraiture, especially of the self type. Keep up the smoldering hotness of your images!
Guest 10-Aug-2005 22:29
Long time viewer, first time reviewer! So many galleries, so little time to view. You have some great photos here. I have also seen your work over a Fred Miranda's site. Thanks for sharing your talent.
Linda Irenegreene 28-Jul-2005 15:48
Thank you for sending me here. Some of the photos are extraordinary, all are very good. I love the site organization. Works smoothly and got me wherever I chose to go; not a trivial accomplishment in the world of clunky and ineffective websites.
leslie b. tanner 21-Jun-2005 18:36
dear scott...what a delightful website...i am so impressed by your photos and your site...which i
assume you did yourself as you told me you are completely digital??? anyway, the great pleasure of my day (tuesday) just after seeing you at dr. rosenthals...keep on doing your bliss!!!
best regards and again thank you...
Anne 12-Jun-2005 01:06
It is good to get to know more about you and all your accomplishments. This is a great webpage. It has been a privledge to view all of you albums and learn. Thanks for sharing your images and I will be back to look some more.
Marta Azevedo 08-Jun-2005 16:59
I like your work very much.
Guest 08-Jun-2005 12:20
Scott, your photo's are great, makes me wish I were back in NYC. L
Cathy 29-May-2005 00:51
Wow, excellent.
Danilo Bazzano 25-May-2005 13:37
Congratulations for your wonderful webpage Scott, I told you many times: your pics of NY are wonderful, i can visit the Big Apple through your works!
Danilo(From Milano,ITALY)
Pat Mark 24-May-2005 14:44
Scott, Thanks for sending me to the site. I really like all of your work,it is so varied, that is what makes me look for your posts on WA. "Let's see what Scott came up with today". Love your comments and your comebacks, always a pleasure. Respect, Pat
Vincent Lee 28-Apr-2005 06:38
You replied to a forum question I had re: D2X in which you said you do retinal photography. I would be interested to hear about your involvement. If you have the time, contact me through email
Osna & Jim Fenner 21-Apr-2005 21:26
Great site, great images, great eye. Whatever it is, you've got it!
Osna & Jim Fenner
Zenon 04-Apr-2005 01:58
Scott! I love your photographs even more in your galleries.
Every single one has that special thing, what makes an object to be called an ART
richard thorne 15-Mar-2005 15:16
Your images are really diverse in content and really sharp and clear. Great stuff.
richard thorne
Gary Wakeley 01-Mar-2005 21:57
Just like to visit this place---its got everything, Great photography, harleys and the good things in life. Keep up the good work...respect....rei
Kahunna 26-Feb-2005 04:20
Scott, you shouldn't keep your website a secret from us WA viewers! Thanks for letting us inside your mind's eye for a while. On a side note, I always enjoy reading your humorous posts on WA.
Pat Sousa 20-Feb-2005 20:23
Dear Scott:

Thanks for the opportunity to see your work.I particularly like the "Paris in New York" photo & the nature shots.

Pat Sousa
Jill 19-Dec-2004 17:51
Gee Oh Precious one, don't know why I never realized you had a guestbook...Like Tony said..."Guess I'm stupid!" It was fun reading all your praises from your many fans...of which I am one :-) Thanks for all your pep talks and friendship...:-)
Tasty Orange05-Dec-2004 05:20
You can find the beauty in anything.
Not everybody can do that.
Dennis 23-Nov-2004 16:46
I love your comments on WA, I have just started really getting into photography after I purchased my first digital camera back in 2001, my background is in computers so digital photography fits right into that, I love taking landscape photography and I too like to see objects and landscape at different and unusual angles. It is amazing how many pictures you can take when you are shooting digital. I have already taken over 7800 photographs with my digital camera and it is still going strong. I really like the landscape photos on your site. If you ever get down to Florida then drop me a line and maybe we can meet up and discuss shop.

Alan Levine 18-Nov-2004 14:32
Hi Scott,

I never realized that you were so involved with photography "outside the eye." I visited the website and enjoyed both reading about your love of photography, and viewing your beautiful images. Sara and I have been doing nature photography for many years ( as well as family, travel, and other). Last month we put on a digital show at the NYC Audubon Society of our work over the past 28 years in Sanibel Island, Florida. It was a lotl of work, but went over very well.

Best regards to Patty. Please say hello to Dr. Rosenthal.

Greg Sloka 16-Nov-2004 11:37
Scott, I am duly adding my comment in your guestbook. I have not seen all photos yet, so you can expect to meet me here in the mornings. One of former guests noted Genghis stands for 'genius'; to me it rings the bell of Kubla Khan (if you remember Colleridge or "Citizen Kane") although for now I cannot see how to connect the warrior with you... More remarks to come after I have seen some of the photos.

PS You have been taking pictures long before I was born and I am glad to note you still do it - there is hope for me.
David Putnam 14-Nov-2004 21:07
I enjoy your pithy remarks on WA. You know Scott, you spelled "Genious" wrong, it's not spelled "Genghis".

Peg 30-Oct-2004 18:43
hey buddy can't wait to see your website, thanks for sharing with me!
Diane 26-Oct-2004 21:01

I hope you will get in touch with me. I'll be in New York Nov. 13-17th to do a documentary on the rescue workers from 9-11 who are now sick from working at Ground Zero. I'm looking for photographers to help capture our story, along with the film production. I am with an organization called Remember Rally that raises money (through motorcycle events) for those affected by the chemicals & toxins during clean-up. Please check out our website at

Please contact me at for further information. I am also looking for people to help film the documentary as we will probably be working with rescue workers both days & nights. Thanks. Diane
§Ú¬O¯u¥¿ªº¤¤°ê¤H 26-Oct-2004 10:45
rharold &diane spalte 10-Oct-2004 17:13
scott- very exciting ,creative work. congratulations and thank you for letting us share your achievements.
Guest 31-Aug-2004 21:47
Genghis, I just heard about Indian Larry's death. A great intellect. Great biker. He died on his bike, but then again, HOW ELSE would he have had it!
rhea sanders 18-Aug-2004 00:10
Really enjoyed the variety and reality of your street scenes. What fun you must have had taking these photos. Thanks for alerting me to them.
Tony Mil 10-Aug-2004 14:17
Hi Scott,

I have been to this site several times to both read your articles and to view your photos, don't know why I haven't signed the guestbook before, guess I'm just stupid. (LOL)

I have always admired your NYC photos, especially the downtown Manhattan photos. I still have so many good memories of my time working in the World Trade Center but I also have so many, many sad memories also, for obvious reasons.

Love the Vette, if I were still in the area, we could go cruising togeter, me in my Arrest Me Red Ragtop and you in yours. :-)
Stay well and sorry it took so long to sign in.
Lynda 09-Aug-2004 16:34
Hi Scott.... Mary is unquestionably one Red Hot BABE. Her lines, her COLOR just
scream SEX APPEAL; I can see why she turns heads. When I'm in my Vette, LQQINGD… (Looking Good), heads turn also. There is just something about a Vette, no matter what her age that turns heads. I've had four Vettes, a 76 ~89 ~
93 ~ and now a 2000. So when you speak so fondly of Mary, I know exactly
where you're coming from. I love your articles and photography and I’m honored that you including me in your article with Mary. See ya at WA. Like I’ve said before, you’re a man of many talents.;~) ~SAVE THE WAVE ~.
Hugs, Lynda
Andrew Pidgeon 08-Aug-2004 13:51
Hi Scott, I always look forward to seeing your pics on FM Forums, you've produced some amazing images! Cheers, Andrew
Pan/Shovel 08-Aug-2004 12:47
Ghengis - It's great to see yer photography. Street scenes are my favorite. Really miss your screeds in the REAL I.H. I.E. the horse when under snows stewardship. Met you several times in lower manhattan and you were very gracious, while at the same time by yer stance i could see you were sizing me up. "Is dis guy a crazy or not" When and where will you be writing about Mabel an the M/C subculture? yer writing is sorely missed! RIDE ON
Guest 27-Jul-2004 18:15

Your photo's are amazing. You have a very gifted talent. I love the colors so much I went out and Purchased a D1X.

can you email me your contact info.

Kim 25-Jul-2004 23:19
Hey Scott,
Your photographs are beautiful! Now I know why you carry that camera around all the time. You definately catch things that I miss everyday going into the city. Your blessed with talent, that's for sure. Thanks for letting me know about the website. Looking forward to seeing new pics.
Cedric Pereira 20-Jul-2004 11:13

I went through some of your images and I can tell that you look at things in a way most of us do not. I liked the abstract adn general gallery. There is one that stayed with me. It is the one of a nice girl wearing a jeans on the back of an ornage bus. First I did not noticed it was a bus. Good eye on that !

I will go through all the images when I have some more time.

Keep shooting ! See you on WA
Dany 17-Jul-2004 03:17
First of all, congratulation for your eye. You find the pictures in what most would usually find as boring subjects!
I also like the way you think... and the way you see the world.
Finally, i must thank you since your work will be a tool for me in my next chromes to help me develop my creativity!


P.S.: What do you think off when you look arround ? I usually wander around looking everywhere globaly and going smaller and smaller around subject that seem acceptable to me but i still don't find much.
Max(samoamax) 27-Jun-2004 23:58
Dear Scott , i enjoy very much your incredible pictures. As i said many times , i am not a photographer myself, but as an artist i apreciate a lot great clasical photography and you are a master on it.Wonderfoul immages breathtalking really!
yum 25-Jun-2004 15:11
Hi, Scott

Marty Lyons looks better in your picture than when he was playing for the Jets.
I checked out your other pictures. They are very good. I really liked your nature ones. You should do more of them. Thanks for sharing.

Yum C.
nancy young 23-Jun-2004 20:55
Hey Scott

I am proud of my brother's (THAT'S YOU) photography. Only one of many talents!!!!!

Gorgeous crisp photos. Keep up the good work. love, your sister Nancy
Guest 20-Jun-2004 05:39
Years spent in patients maculas with your own eyes drives another expression of the minds vision.
I enjoyed your photography and vision.
jon dash 08-Jun-2004 02:03
Scott, thanks for the invite to check out your site. I've just jumped from one to the next so it's too soon to comment. It was a kick to see the date on the photos and realize something as "done" as a photo actually carries some hint of the historic moment even if the image is contextually out of time. So far I'd say I love the texture of some of the images and the bold colors of others. I'll be back to get a better look. See you soon. Jon
Damon Fernandes 06-Jun-2004 13:39
Hey Scott

You replied to my posts at FM. Your www was at the bottom so I checked you out. Of course, I like your's really good. You are a fellow street photographer. I'm in Shanghai right now but I'll be back on the east coast in a month. Looking forward to continued sharing...and YES I'm jealous of your dual D1Xs...haha.

Johnny Justice 04-Jun-2004 12:45

Beautiful work old friend. It is nice to see that you have a release for your talents.

Your older buddy,

Johnny Justice, Jr.
Dot 03-Jun-2004 12:23
I'm so proud of your work! Mine is still in its infancy since I got a digital camera last year. You have inspired me to keep at it!
Love, Dot
Guest 06-May-2004 10:31
hi scott,
^^ really nice pics!!
havent visited in a long time..
so many new pics added haha..

well great!
i use d1x too but your pics are much better -_-"
oh well
c u
Aaron Bloom 01-May-2004 00:51

Very nice pictures. Do you still teach Jow Ga?

Thank you,
Aaron Bloom
Guest 11-Apr-2004 18:25
Interesantes fotografías
Gracias por compartirlas
paul t werner 05-Apr-2004 19:54
Scott, only had a minute to take a fast look.I was really impressed. Lynda Miller would be proud of you. Still have those bodybuilding pix from high school? I'll seriously check out the photos soon. Thanks,Paul
marjory e. horowitz 02-Apr-2004 15:37
Dear Scott,

As the daughter of a fine photograper, I was really impressed. I love the moodiness and texture of the street scenes and your eye for composition. You have a lot to be proud of. You have a gentle, sensitive talent, which has universal appeal.

Warm regards,

Marjory E. Horowitz
Bob Swacker 26-Mar-2004 22:46
Heather Hord 26-Mar-2004 03:43
Beautiful work! It's late, and I just had time for a fast glance through a few of so many images. When I have time I want to study them slowly, carefully. Many reminded me of some of the assignments I give the kids: irony (unexpected juxtapositions), an urban alphabet (letters in found objects–-you had two nice "x's" that I saw quickly), reflections (there was a gem you shot of 4 long windows, though personally I would have photoshopped out the credit card logos on the right side of the frame). It's nice to see how fluidly you seem to move between B & W and color, with complete pictorial ease. You understand the essence of each.

Hope you enjoyed penumbra. Heather
jimid 17-Mar-2004 13:10
Scott, I always look forward to seeing a post from Genghis45 when I'm surfing through the Fred Miranda site. Great work!
Bill Swan 16-Mar-2004 16:59
Thanks for bringing me to your website. I especially liked the "Abstract" portion of the gallery, but appreciated all of the work. Pratt made a big mistake back in the day. Thanks, again and keep shooting.
Jeff Cochran11-Mar-2004 01:25
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
Lucy Jerome 10-Mar-2004 03:24
Dear Scott,
Thank you so much for sharing your magnificent photography with me. I was blown away! When I saw them, many were thought provoking, others just illicit a feeling. Your use of angles(bridges, bronze cat), and juxtapostions (palm tree and geometric shape) is great. Re the "Street" collection, I especially liked 1684, 1721, 1154, 1686. Nature #7, #4--this one was very thought provoking. Just two leaves up close, many people don't stop to really look at leaves. This one slowed me in my tracks, and I thought just how much I was not seeing which is all around me. I loved abstract #1,3,13,15, and 19.

Your collection is wonderful. It accomplishes the goal of good art: to get people to see, feel and think. I urge you to expose your collection to as many people as possible. I too have a love for photography, and I know what you mean when you express the great pleasure and joy you get from photography. Thanks Scott.
Steve Pred 05-Mar-2004 22:04
Scott, Thanks for sharing your photos and for helping save my sight, so that I might enjoy the gallery. They pictures are superb. I used to work at Modernage printing black & white and managed their color film lab before heading into the business world. My own work was all people and all b&w. Cheers,
Alvin Eng 05-Mar-2004 06:31
Hi Scott:

I just discovered Fred Miranda website and was looking through the forum site and noticed your problem. I had exactly the same problem and got no help with Nikon Tech Suport. discussed the issue and a solution was found. I had tried uninstalling, running reg sweeper and reinstalling without success. Right-clicking the drive letter seemed to set up autoplay. NOT! There is a suggestion to download a PowerToy program called Tweak IU from Microsoft. Using this program, I found that autoplay was NOT turned on and by using it, my transfer problem is solved.

Download the program and install it. Start Tweak UI. It should be in a program group called PowerToys. Click on the plus sign next to "My Computer." Click on the plus sign next to "AutoPlay." Click on "Types" and turn on the "Enable Autoplay for removable drives." Your Nikon Transfer should now automatically start up when you plug your camera in or plug your compact flash card into a card reader.

Kristiina Wilson 28-Feb-2004 20:16
Hi Scott. Thanks for sharing your images. I especially liked the tree images in the nature series.
Thanks again for all your help yesterday!

Kristiina Wilson
Tom Franken 23-Feb-2004 23:57
Your portfolio of photos look very interesting and beautiful. I'm having a little trouble trying to figure out how best to navigate through the website. Tom
Kathy Johnsen 25-Jan-2004 21:25
Dear Scott,
Thank you so much for sharing your photos. They are so impressive. You are a very talented photographer. The street scene photos are intriguing. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
Kathy Johnsen
David Dong24-Jan-2004 23:11
I would tell people like to know about NYC to look at your galleries, they ARE New York City!! Thanks 4 sharing
Bern 08-Jan-2004 04:05
Dear Scott, Your website design is great and of course, "Manhattan to Brooklyn" is amazing. This bridge can look quite lightweight, but in your pic there is the weight and mass of its great strength. See you tomorrow., Bern
Gordon Perry 04-Jan-2004 22:58
Great work. I'm delighted to see your diversity. A side of you I had no idea existed. You have the "eye" of a talented observer and artist.
Visit my site to see ceramic work you didn't know existed...
Rob Cruse31-Dec-2003 01:49
HI Scott

Great to see you have a place to showcase your photos. I was quite familiar with, and have enjoyed your street and abstract work at Nikonians, but your nature shots were quite new to me. Really beautiful. Having said that, my favourite image was undoubtably 'Persistent Patriotism'. A beautifully executed shot that is so full of meaning.

Cheers, Rob.
Jane Rose 29-Dec-2003 13:33
WOW... this is a terrific site for viewing your incredible photos. Much easier access. Thanks for sending me here! Started REviewing your galleries. For as much as I relish your eye and skill, your wit with titles puts it all over the top for me. Often, you have me laughing aloud. Your advice about Nikon D1x is appreciated: it is the solid feel of the old NikonF that I love...
Edited for "f5" slip above
Joyce 25-Dec-2003 23:00
Really enjoyed the Street Scenes....I did'nt realize that you were SO TALENTED !!!

You have a GREAT eye for composition and the titles were a plus.. added attraction.
Don't stop! Keep up the good work !!!

I will be checking out your other galleries real, real soon..
Guest 25-Dec-2003 22:39
The message written below this one was wrote using the name of a family friend because
I do not have a computer,
Guest 25-Dec-2003 22:36
Dear Scott,
This has been really enjoyable. I am glad you are sharing your work. Looking forward to more. Have a great year ahead!
Guest 25-Dec-2003 13:11
Hi, Dad. What's shaking in the land of Harleys, photography, guns and animals? Never knew you shot such beautiful photography. I'm a point and click man myself.
VALARIE 24-Dec-2003 06:53
MOE 23-Dec-2003 18:33
Paul 20-Dec-2003 07:33
Hey Scott,
Some really eye-catching pics. Your shots of Manhattan and the East River brought back some memories and I got a chuckle out of some of your captions ("Pole Position", "Palm Prison"). However you should get rid of that picture of the gas gulping, air polluting Harley (Wes's Bike). Just doesn't belong.

Tom Egnatz 19-Dec-2003 01:44
Genghis: Great shots. The titles are half the fun. I especially liked "Pole Position" and the abstract ones like "X marks The Spot" and "Window Defects". Makes me want to get the Minoltas out and burn up the film. We have a digital but not an SLR yet.
Keep it up. Tom
REB #51 18-Dec-2003 21:57
Hey G-Man,
Great eye!
I have been shooting photographs for the better part of my 52 years, not as a pro but as a hobbiest. I went digital a couple of years ago with a Sony DSC-707. My Minoltas don't get as much use as they used to.
I believe you can tell alot about a person by studing thier photos. It is probaly a good thing I'm not a physcologist. 707
Really, great job.
Jeanne Rosenthal 17-Dec-2003 03:25
Dear Scott,
This is a really nice website! Enjoyed your photographs very much, but will have to come back to really study them. Quite impressive. Did you know Bern gave me her old Nikon F?? You might have to teach me how to use it!!
Dr J aka the God Empress of Dune :-)
Jay Sands 17-Dec-2003 00:54
Wonderful photos. I jusk got my D1x. I know you from optimal. An exciting new world of digital photography. Thanks for your display.
Guest 14-Dec-2003 16:46
keep up the good work!!