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Gilles MICHEL | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Christophe 25-Nov-2024 15:45
Bjr vraiment un travail magnifique. Moi je suis plus dans la photo automobile. En tout cas
des beaux model proposer .
Comment avoir un accés au galerie privé. Ils demandent un code.
merci bonne continuation.
robochef 06-Jun-2022 16:37
I think most of the passwords are just bait, to click through the photos multiple times. Or they cant be seen becasue of the low resolution of the images.
Carl F. Parks 22-Apr-2021 22:39
How many years are represented in your galleries? Are these all you photographs?
Carl F. Parks 22-Apr-2021 22:36
Viewing your 'Kodak' gallery and found it remarkably enjoyable and I was able to focus on the cameras. As a none photographer (just personal pictures) I enjoy seeing the work of professional who work so hard to produce excellent pictures
kostas_k29-Nov-2019 03:59
Dear Michel, I wrote ten comments in your sub-gallery "Yuna in lingerie & nude". I would like the pass to Yuna's gallery. Thank you.
Dennis Steinauer13-Apr-2019 20:43
Absolutely incredible body of work!
Mathias06-Feb-2019 03:18
Bonjour, je suis toujours émerveillé.
Le travail d'un photographe est d'embellir son modèle, ce que vous faites d'une très belle manière.
Continuez à nous donner du bonheur.
Merci à vous.
Pierre.D 09-Oct-2018 14:20
Bonjour, très belle galerie et très beaux modèles. J' aimerais réussir un travail constant comme le votre. Bonne continuation
Nb: serait il possible d avoir accès à vos galerie privé ?
Patrick 05-Oct-2018 12:14
Pourrais je obtenir le password de certaines de vos galeries.
Eddie 27-Sep-2018 20:49
Love your work as usual. I was able to find the password For Alexia, but even blown up I couldn't make it out. I use to be on here as Roper19, so I have been appreciating your work for quite some time! Be well!
kostas_k20-Mar-2018 12:09
Very interesting work. I can see more.
pascal 08-Oct-2017 06:51
jamais vu une telle quantité de galeries, hou la la ca donne le tournis !
que de merveilles, que de modèles sublimes, un plus pour toutes les galeries de la belel et adorable Amandine que j'ai eu l'honneur et le plaisir de shooter. (comment avoir le code de la galerie codée?)
bonne continuation et bravo
cordialement de bretagne
pbaser6919-Feb-2017 12:18
We miss your work!
Yanni 19-Oct-2016 10:17
Bonjour Gilles.
Très belles photos et en quantité... Auriez vous d autres shooting de la belle Ophelie? D avance merci
tarraud 25-Jun-2016 01:27
tableau de chasse photographique assez impressionnant...
militaire25-Sep-2015 13:10
Super Gallery of Fungi images,lots more varieties out there! keep on clicking.
Guest 01-Jul-2015 19:41
cafe18-May-2015 09:44
I really enjoyed wandering through your galleries. Congratulations.
perte cheveux17-May-2015 11:59
Je ne peux qu'être en admiration devant votre gallerie
Guest 10-Oct-2014 15:28
girl soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy i like it
boby 03-Sep-2014 02:49
hermankervel26-Mar-2014 09:05
nice pictures
Guest 14-Dec-2013 18:10
You are very talented. Best. J
hermankervel07-Dec-2013 09:10
artist27-Aug-2013 08:53
please see my page ... i hope you ' ll like .. and we can be good friends.
Dora 02-Aug-2013 17:49

Belles galeries! Bravo

Si vous cherchez des models

parkingp24-Mar-2013 20:24
Hello. I am new to PBASE and have come to your place and have found wonderful. Your pictures are great and try the nakedness of a natural and very sensual. I would like to see private galleries but not if I should ask this. I hope you do not mind. Sorry for my bad English, I'm from barcelona.
Mwarua Ali 26-Feb-2013 19:02
Hi am Mr mwarua Ali from kenya, i would like to congratulate you to this page is so nice. Just improve it by bringing us the naked sex, vaginars pls thank you my Boss
hermankervel20-Dec-2012 16:39
Nice work
michel 13-Dec-2012 09:10
bonjour gilles michel
quel plaisir de vous avoir decouvert et decouvert vos galeries
je ne les aime pas toutes, surtout celles sur les voitures
merci d'avoir ete au salon nautique 2012 car je ne pourrais y aller cette année, j'ai decouvert dans votre gallerie des choses interrantes
j'apprecie beaucoup vos galeries feminines
il y a des modeles que j'ai vu chez d'autres photographes. je trouve interressant l'image que donne 2 visions differentes
j'apprecie aussi vos mots de passe pour les galleries plus erotiques. ce qui oblige de regarder differament les photos et de ne pas poser les yeux sur les yeux, la poitrine, les fesses des jolies qui posent pour vous
je ne les ai pas encore tous trouver mais je prends mon temps, ce qui me permet de decouvrir d'autres choses sur les clichets
continuez comme cela, c'est tres beau
Larry 02-Sep-2012 16:02
I am truly impressed with your work and your models. Please send me your passwords, so that I may enjoy all of your images.

Thank you,
Larry 02-Sep-2012 16:00
I am very impressed with your work. Please send me passwords.

Thank you,
artist30-Jul-2012 10:44
Hi ... I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc ...

you are so creative . I like your works so much.

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
Laurenan22-Apr-2011 11:45
Tout simple ,tout nature ,fraicheur ,et alors des yeux !!! bravo à Etty et son photographe
an nguyen20-Mar-2011 22:47
Thanks for stopping by .
Your point of view in photography is exquisite and selective .
Best ,
Anne N
John Walsh 19-Jan-2011 10:32
Hi Gilles
I love your models and the way you use colours in your photography. Your red and black series is exceptional. I have to admit though that your Christmas for Adults series has beaten me. I cannot find the password in any of the shots. I have looked in the background but not been able to find it as I did in another set. Put me out of my misery and tell me the password.
John Walsh 18-Jan-2011 07:01
I love your work and like the others I would like the passwords to your other galleries so I can appreciate those as well.
Warm regards
Guest 17-Jan-2011 10:41
Hi Gilles! Love your stuff. I have commented on all the pics in Elea Gallery. Would you kindly send me the password please? If you would like to exchange more passwords, have a look at my stuff and let me know!

Best regards,
tilak578001-Jan-2011 10:40
visit the northern India next time, and plan your travel during October-November or February-March
Isabelle 31-Aug-2010 13:25
Merci à toi Michel pour cette scèance photos très sympathique ou j'ai pu mesurer l'étendu de ton art. Mesdames, n'hésitez pas à poser pour lui, il a le don de vous rendre irrésistible et il est très convivial. Au plaisir d'un prochain shooting...
Guest 14-Aug-2010 20:26
coucou gilmichel , c'est moi Carol , merci pr ce dimanche matin tres agreable , grace a vous je suis a croquer !!heureusement que j'étais tres fatiguée : j'ai roulé tte la nuit (je suis chauffeur de cars !)et que j'avais les cheveux sales !! si vous avez besoin d'un modele pour des nus dans paris " je suis votre homme !! " LOL ! ciao ciao da Firenze......
Guest 12-Aug-2010 03:09
unique and creative thanks
tylergordon15-Jul-2010 21:03

Magnifique galleries, peut on avoir accès a la gallerie protégée de Sola ?

berta56512-Jul-2010 19:25
great work
Will you please share your password with me.
PauloCGama08-Jun-2010 17:11
Hi Gilles,
Quelques mots pour dire que j'aime votre travail.

kathy 13-May-2010 19:59
bonjour gilles
c'est bettyboop la copine de angie
les photos que vous avez retouché sont vraiment magnifiques
j'ai hâte de refaire une séance avec vous
pouvons nous avoir le code de la galerie s'il vous plait
bonne continuation
et peut être à bientot
Jihad Jean Chahine16-Apr-2010 08:49

I appreciate your comments.
I enjoy a lot your galleries!

Marie Model23-Mar-2010 04:28
Hey Sweetie,
You are truly inspired. I would love to see more of your work.
Will you please share your password with me.

Paradoxal Studio - Paris01-Jan-2010 11:14
Bonne Année !
Bonne santé et plein de super séances !
Guest 11-Dec-2009 18:21
WOnderful photos.

Could I see some of you'r work. Thanks so much
lorand09-Dec-2009 12:24
Hi Gilles!
Thanks for your comment on my gallery.
smichaels30-Nov-2009 05:48
wow. great pics.....unfortunately, have searched the galleries and couldn't find the passowrds. can i have access to the galleries? thanks.
Barbara 28-Nov-2009 08:51
Gilles, Very interesting galleries with some unusual shots and poses. Great creative work and gives one some great ideas. Pleae may I have the password to view your other photos. Great work keep it up.
Guest 19-Oct-2009 00:18
Very good work, may I have a password to view the rest of the gallery please?
Marc Lesage 07-Sep-2009 15:10
Félicitations pour ce book, la qualité des photos et la diversité des modèles et des sujets.
J'aimerais continuer la visite sur les galeries d'Audrey, Betty et LillySTM si vous me le permettez.
N'hésitez pas à visiter mon book et me livrer vos commentaires et critiques de photographe expérimenté.
Marie Taylor 02-Sep-2009 08:06
Wonderful photos, Great works.

Please may I have a password to view your other photos

Kisses Marie
Gambri4x430-Aug-2009 09:01
There are some great pictures here. Would you please send me the passwords so I can enjoy the rest?And also plz take a look at my pictures.
Thank you
Natures Exotic Beauty Photography20-Aug-2009 17:52
Gilles, I can see that we both like the same type of photography.
All of your galleries are fantastic and give me a great many ideas
for some of my clients.
Thank you Lucky Cole
oliapassion30-Jul-2009 21:06
Hi Gilles,
I love your work.Your models are beautiful an so natural. Please send password to view the other galleries?
Den_S18-Jun-2009 21:28
There are some amazing pictures here. Would you please send me the passwords so I can enjoy the rest? Thank you
Den_S18-Jun-2009 21:15
There are some amazing pictures here. Would you please send me the passwords so I can enjoy the rest? Thank you
Photodelles06-Jun-2009 10:26
Il y a bien longtemps que je n'étais pas allé voir ton travail et je dois dire que j'ai constaté une extraordinaire progression dans la qualité de tes travaux, de très belles galeries, de jolies modèles bien mises en valeur, de beaux cadrages, un très beau traitement de l'image.

Franchement bravo pour cette évolution, continue dans cette voie.
bobos196429-May-2009 13:13
Thank you for access to EROPOLIS.
Emma 08-May-2009 14:59
Love, your work, especially the Low light Fine art work, you put the art of advance lightning into new perspective. Emma

Can you please send me the password for the other fine-art galleries
Brigit 26-Apr-2009 10:16
vous êtes un photographe talentueux ! mes préférences vont à la galerie d'Esa, aux derniers clichés de celle de Bea car j'aime les expressions....poussées, une gestuelle franche, déterminée dans l'expression....j'apprécie aussi beaucoup la galerie 'chaste but sensual.....' et le backstage.....
Merci pour ce bon moment!
Laurenan08-Apr-2009 16:54
Je me suis beaucoup promené dans vos galeries cette après-midi,avec mention spéciale pour les galeries dédiées à Lana,incontestablement magnifique au point de vue du travail apporté
avec ce modèle,une certaine définition du paradis sur terre, en tout cas bravo pour votre travail,moi-même débutant en photo,je viendrai de temps en temps dans vos galeries trouver une forme d'inspiration créative,bonne continuation .........
fastyman24-Mar-2009 15:29
Hi Gilles Michel!

Great galleries, nice poses and excellent photography. Your models are beautiful an so natural. I would like to see your private collection. May I have a password to the restricted areas. Greetings to france. Thanks,
Kim03-Mar-2009 20:02
I´ve been around in your galleries and it´s fine work!! You are a great photographer!!
Thanks for Your visit in my gallery and your kind words!
akam06-Feb-2009 19:36
Hi:please send me an password to view other galleries. Thank you...
saabdoc24-Jan-2009 01:41
I must be blind, I've looked through Axelle gallery 4 times and havn't found the hidden password! Oh well, at least I got to see a beautiful model photographed by a great photographer
Guest 17-Jan-2009 19:09
fantastic galleries amazing what are all the passwords?
Dennis 14-Jan-2009 17:44
Your work is a pleaseur to view. Please send password to view the other galleries.
thank you, dwink
Martin Lamoon09-Jan-2009 11:51
Wonderful photos, Great works.

Please may I have a password to view your other photos

Guest 07-Jan-2009 01:53
Thank you for your comments!
goldwadd02-Jan-2009 17:59
Hi Gilles,

May I have the password(s) to all your galleries? Thanks-Ed
smichaels26-Nov-2008 03:11
fantastic job. Would love to see more. Could I get the password?
goldwadd17-Nov-2008 22:32
Wonderful galleries. I hope you don't mind that I 'borrow' some ideas. I'm just getting back into the hobby. Thanks for the inspiration. I checked out your website as well. Terrific!

andrew 17-Nov-2008 18:13
I like this a lot, modern and imediate art in the moment, ZEN art
Guest 12-Oct-2008 20:54
Bravo pour le million de visiteurs. C'est amplement mérité. Les galeries sont magnifiques.
Morgana Fata 09-Oct-2008 09:32
J'aime beaucoup votre derniere serie avec Esa, c'est super frais et en meme temps sensuel. Si vous cherchez de nuveaux visages et que ma frimousse vous plait, n'hesitez surtout pas a me contacter :
Morgana F.
Dan 24-Sep-2008 22:05
Love your photos and choice in models... I would like passwords to see your private collection. Look forward to seeing more of your work. Thanks Dan
Guest 03-Sep-2008 11:56
mungous 27-Aug-2008 00:27
Thank you for access to Dovile. I enjoyed the fruits of your labors. I can see you like to take chances and the models are truly outstanding.
Bart Turner 23-Jul-2008 21:23
I am very impressed with your work. The photos of the women are very nice. I am a amateur, but enjoy the work of pros like yourself. If it is acceptable, I would love to have access to the protected sites. Please consider. Thanks You
Francois 08-Jul-2008 07:13
Hi there. I must say that I am very impressed by your style of model photography. I have a model project coming up in a weeks time and would very much like to view the nude gallery. This would mean a lot to me.

lorand02-Jul-2008 19:01
Hi Gilles!
Thanks for your comments un my galleries.
Your galleries is fantastic!!!
Best Regards,
Guest 23-Jun-2008 16:00
Great work. Could I have the password to your galleries. Thank you !!!
Darbowski23-Jun-2008 10:56
Merci de ta visite et de tes commentaires, je reviendrai régulièrement visiter tes superbes galeries !
johnambrose08-Jun-2008 14:56
Fantastic work. May I please have password for Eropolis?
Guest 30-May-2008 18:40
Excellent work! You have a fantastic creative eye and your portraits are breathtaking!
I would love to see your additional galleries.
Francisco702820-May-2008 10:27
Fantastico, bravissimo.
Sei un maestro e fai parte dei miei preferiti.
le tue pubblicazioni sono bellissime, bravo,bravo,bravo!
Ali 03-May-2008 09:15
Can I have passwords?
your gallery is fantastic.
many thanks
Eachann01-May-2008 20:01
You have a great eye, Both studio work and field work are excellent. I love your use of space, lighting and the copositions you put together are great! Truly works of art.
benbrown25-Apr-2008 21:09
I love your work. It is truly breathtaking
benbrown25-Apr-2008 17:46
would love to get passwords
w22-Apr-2008 16:04
Giles great work! I am an admirer. Hey can I get the password to Fabie and Natacha? Thanks!
w22-Apr-2008 16:03
Guest 19-Apr-2008 08:03
Superb shots
Guest 16-Apr-2008 17:21

I love your work.. and you subjects.. any chance of the passwords?
Errol Morel01-Apr-2008 19:04
Un beau travail que vous avez,
J'aime bien vos voitures et vos modeles.
Lorsque les portfolios sont bloqués Est-ce possible de les voir ou ce sont que pour vos modeles?

Barry Ailetcher27-Mar-2008 20:27
YOu have some real nice glallerys very nice to look at and very well done
Joe 27-Mar-2008 11:01
Would you mind sharing the password to DOVILE and Natacha? Thanks!

Guest 25-Mar-2008 19:52
I like you photographic style , but my joy goes to your fabulous collection of pictures of cars that were landmarks in its time.
I very much did love your Paris Retro as I found out a set of cars that put me back to years of my youth.
My best congratulations for your fine pictures.
Sandy 24-Mar-2008 20:23
Giles great work! I am an admirer. Hey can I get the password to Fabie and Natacha? Thanks!
Guest 24-Mar-2008 20:23
Giles great work! I am an admirer. Hey can I get the password to Fabie and Natacha? Thanks!