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Pat Hemlepp's Recent Galleries

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22-Dec-2024 12:31
Most recent
Most recent
22-Dec-2024 12:31
Blackbirds, Orioles
Blackbirds, Orioles
22-Dec-2024 12:31
Photo a Day
"Photo a Day"
20-Dec-2024 16:49
Sparrows, Towhees, Juncos
Sparrows, Towhees, Juncos
04-Jun-2024 20:40
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, Ky.
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, Ky.
02-Oct-2023 16:04
The Bastei
The Bastei
25-Jul-2023 11:07
17-Jul-2023 19:17
29-Jun-2023 20:26
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
29-Jun-2023 16:58
New York
New York
20-Jun-2023 19:29
Sunsets, beaches, landscapes
Sunsets, beaches, landscapes
24-Jul-2022 10:24
Around the water
Around the water