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Gillian's Recent Galleries

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08-Sep-2024 18:31
Other Bees
:: Other Bees ::
08-Sep-2024 17:50
:: Caterpillars ::
03-Sep-2024 23:51
Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths (Superfamily Pyraloidea)
:: Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths (Superfamily Pyraloidea) ::
03-Sep-2024 23:17
:: Monarchs ::
03-Sep-2024 23:13
Meadowhawks (Genus Sympetrum)
:: Meadowhawks (Genus Sympetrum) ::
03-Sep-2024 23:08
Harvesters and Coppers
:: Harvesters and Coppers ::
01-Sep-2024 02:12
Spreadwing Damselflies (Family Lestidae)
:: Spreadwing Damselflies (Family Lestidae) ::
30-Aug-2024 12:14
Darners (Family Aeshnidae)
:: Darners (Family Aeshnidae) ::
28-Aug-2024 23:11
Pond Flies (Genus Sericomyia)
:: Pond Flies (Genus Sericomyia) ::
28-Aug-2024 23:05
Anglewings & Tortoiseshells
:: Anglewings & Tortoiseshells ::
06-Aug-2024 00:25
Black-and-white Warblers
:: Black-and-white Warblers ::
06-Aug-2024 00:17
Broad-winged Damselflies (Family Calopterygidae)
:: Broad-winged Damselflies (Family Calopterygidae) ::