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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> The Best of 2009 shots > pbase A study of Gabi 1_DSC7122.jpg
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pbase A study of Gabi 1_DSC7122.jpg

Gabi - my sweet, blind nearly 13 year old yellow lab ..

Nikon D700
1/60s f/4.0 at 50.0mm iso800 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time18-Aug-2009 07:48:54
ModelNIKON D700
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length50 mm
Exposure Time1/60 sec
ISO Equivalent800
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Carole Stevens19-Aug-2009 10:43
One of the best parts of a dog, so cute, lovely pik!
Johnny JAG19-Aug-2009 06:59
Very cute.
Jackdad19-Aug-2009 05:27
I expect that at that venerable age her sense of smell is not what it once was. A fine-looking nose though. :-)
Bryan Murahashi19-Aug-2009 03:42
Nice details in this nosey closeup. V