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24-JAN-2006 joan m teno

Sunrise on Rt 114 January 24 2006.jpg

100 Acre Cove Barrington RI

Literally, I was driving to work (late for 8 am meeting)
and saw this out of the corner of my eye..
The reeds, fog, and rising sun.. wish, I had more
time.. but 8 am meeting (which I was on time for!)

January 24 2006

Leica D-Lux 2
1/320s f/4.9 at 16.7mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time24-Jan-2006 07:26:54
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length16.7 mm
Exposure Time1/320 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Ramsay29-Jan-2006 01:57
I wish I had views like this on my way to work. Very nice. -BJ
JW27-Jan-2006 19:30
I love this one. The grasses are so sharp against the sky and misty trees. Voted!
Gayle P. Clement26-Jan-2006 05:53
This is really lovely. GMV
Jackdad25-Jan-2006 16:38
LOL I was still in bed at half past seven. Beautiful sunrise shot.
Molly B 25-Jan-2006 14:49
Oh yeah. It's a winner
Mary Beamond25-Jan-2006 13:36
This is just beautiful, Joan.
A gorgeous effect with those grasses agaist that lovely background :)
csmallari25-Jan-2006 12:24
very nice !!
Karen Stuebing25-Jan-2006 12:06
I like the way you caputred this at eye level. I wonder how. Did you lay on the ground? Nah, you would have messed up your work outfit. :) Beautiful sunrise and the reeds are wonderful.
Douglas Stucky25-Jan-2006 11:54
The color in this awesome.
ewa toll25-Jan-2006 10:56
Steven Jusczyk25-Jan-2006 07:58
Very nice, Joan, a rewarding shot for the serendipity of the moment.
Sheila25-Jan-2006 04:29
Well worth stopping for Joan. The muted colours in the fog and sky are just gorgeous.
Bryan Murahashi25-Jan-2006 03:54
Excellent shot with the color and grasses.
Guest 25-Jan-2006 03:24
What a beautiful picture! It's sooo nice, Joan.
Graham Tomlin25-Jan-2006 03:02
very nice picture regards Helen
...duncan25-Jan-2006 02:35
Well done. The colour mix is very nice. Good work
Guest 25-Jan-2006 02:26
Very nice image, well done!
Pic Chick25-Jan-2006 00:22
This is absolutely perfect!!! I love the lighting, the composition - EVERYTHING! GMV! I had a 7am meeting, and it was waaaaaaaaay too dark for something as great as this!
northstar3724-Jan-2006 23:56
very efficient :-) Great frost and fog.