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Pbase Walker Farm shot 2 Feb 26 2006.jpg

Week # 9 Picture of the week

Walker Farm, overlooking 100 acre Cove, Barrington RI

Nikon D70
1/250s f/9.0 at 105.0mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time26-Feb-2006 07:54:36
ModelNIKON D70
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length105 mm
Exposure Time1/250 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 21-May-2006 07:35
Gerard Koehl01-Apr-2006 10:10
très joie prise de vue avec de très belle couleurs.
JW31-Mar-2006 19:41
Superb shot. Are you going to tell us there is a big beats hiding in the there perfectly camouflaged? LOL
Tor12-Mar-2006 12:21
Wonderful lines, light and colours. Early in the morning?
Gayle P. Clement07-Mar-2006 02:02
I love the rich brown.
Dominic Kite06-Mar-2006 00:15
The range of tones is superb Joan, beautiful light
Rene Hales01-Mar-2006 23:20
Beautiful colors and it has a painterly feel to it.--Rene
Guest 27-Feb-2006 09:09
Very nice.
Guest 27-Feb-2006 07:00
Rich composition and colors ..... Extra fine! My vote.
Guest 27-Feb-2006 06:28
Love this shot, beautiful abstraction, lovely composition and colours,GMV!
Sheila27-Feb-2006 02:45
Wonderful shot. The light is gorgeous, it looks very painterly.
Mindy McNaugher26-Feb-2006 17:11
Love this!!! Beautiful light and lines! Vote!
QUERIDO26-Feb-2006 13:23
very nice