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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2007 > pbase Jazz on June 20 R1010413.jpg
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pbase Jazz on June 20 R1010413.jpg

Thursday weekly challenge. In spired by Dan Chusid, who spoke of sound tracks in an early email message. A stretch, but this saxaphonist should be laying down tracks. He was wonderful last night on a jazz river boat cruise in Prague.

Alternate entry: My neice making tracks - to the Kafka Museum.

For this weeks challenge TRACKS

others making tracks here

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/5s f/4.4 at 15.3mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time20-Jun-2007 15:59:23
ModelCaplio GX100
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length15.3 mm
Exposure Time1/5 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-1.00
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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virginiacoastline22-Jun-2007 14:59
mmm . . jazzzzz . . .one of my favorites
looks like Dan's comment inspired a number of people =)
v, btw
Sheila22-Jun-2007 05:37
Lovely. Well done, Joan.
Guest 22-Jun-2007 03:41
Great shot, nice muted tones
royalld22-Jun-2007 01:46
I like the tone. Nicely done.
J. Scott Coile21-Jun-2007 23:26
Lay 'em down!
laine8221-Jun-2007 20:40
Very nice, Joan
beverley harrison21-Jun-2007 18:54
lovely shot!
Nicki Thurgar21-Jun-2007 18:48
Lovely shot, great interpretation!
Dan Chusid21-Jun-2007 18:31
Live tracks are often the best tracks!
Glad the music was good Joan.
Barbara Heide21-Jun-2007 17:30
nice moody shot! love the atmosphere...
Fong Lam21-Jun-2007 16:26
Love the tone and grainy composition.....
Guest 21-Jun-2007 16:25
Like both images but prefer the saxophonist - moody lighting!
carol j. phipps21-Jun-2007 15:34
Moody blues? Excellent.
Faye White21-Jun-2007 14:12
perfect entry!
Cindi Smith21-Jun-2007 13:48
Wow! Great entry. Wish I could have heard him play!
Dave Wixx21-Jun-2007 13:13
Excellent shot.
Guest 21-Jun-2007 12:54
beautiful shot.
Yvonne21-Jun-2007 11:26
Wonderful shot, hope he does decide to make "tracks" !
Maaike Huizer21-Jun-2007 11:11
Lovely shot. And Prague is beautiful.
Guest 21-Jun-2007 11:02
very creative!
Carole Stevens21-Jun-2007 10:37
Beautiful shot Joan!