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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> July 2007 > pbase July 11 2007 R1011021.jpg
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pbase July 11 2007 R1011021.jpg

Foggy start to what was a hot and humid day..

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/50s f/2.5 at 5.1mm iso80 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time11-Jul-2007 06:07:18
ModelCaplio GX100
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length5.1 mm
Exposure Time1/50 sec
ISO Equivalent80
Exposure Bias-0.30
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Ramsay12-Jul-2007 13:59
You mean it gets hot and humid north of DC too;o)) Great shot! -BJ
Karen Stuebing12-Jul-2007 11:27
Gorgeous composition and love the natural blurring provided by the fog. Superb color too.
Guest 12-Jul-2007 09:32
love the compo and dof.
Breland12-Jul-2007 05:53
But what a great comp and dof.
Guest 12-Jul-2007 01:47
Such a pretty composition! V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography12-Jul-2007 00:14
Very nice indeed :)
Bob B.11-Jul-2007 23:26
Nice image; nice flower & environment image. v