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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Some of my best shots > Pbase Oscar October 16 2007 DSC_0615.jpg
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Pbase Oscar October 16 2007 DSC_0615.jpg

Nikon D80
1/30s f/5.6 at 150.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time16-Oct-2007 07:51:49
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length150 mm
Exposure Time1/30 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 06-Nov-2007 10:36
What a perfect shot...such a great background and good lighting.
Alida Thorpe25-Oct-2007 01:53
He's so cute. Great lighting on this shot.
Jackdad23-Oct-2007 21:10
Awww... lovely shot of the champ.
snootydog17-Oct-2007 03:11
really sweet shot, joan
Bryan Ramsay17-Oct-2007 02:30
Fabulous shot Joan! -BJ
Coleen Perilloux Landry16-Oct-2007 20:37
This is a beautiful shot of Oscar. The soft background really brings out his features.
Katie Chew16-Oct-2007 20:37
Very nice image. V
Pic Chick16-Oct-2007 19:10
Beautiful portrait. Now that he's famous, this might come in handy for his press portfolio ;)
laine8216-Oct-2007 18:09
Hi Oscar you beautiful puss you ~vote
Guest 16-Oct-2007 18:04
Very pretty image!