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joanteno | all galleries >> Scenes from Rhode Island >> Pictures from Newport Polo >> Best Polo Shots > pbase Moki goes to Polo Crop 2 DSC_7229.jpg
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pbase Moki goes to Polo Crop 2 DSC_7229.jpg

Moki went to polo with Craig, Bonnie, Mary, Terry, and the pooches in Portsmouth, RI.

He was totally cool with being 5 feet away from a speeding horse!

It was fun to watch moki play with other puppies. Defintiely middle of road dog, independent, happy to play, but can chill while we watch the polo match.

Pictured is Bonnie holding Moki to give the players an "high five" at the end of the match.

Great Week --

Nikon D300
1/500s f/11.0 at 70.0mm iso640 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time28-Jun-2008 17:48:10
ModelNIKON D300
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length70 mm
Exposure Time1/500 sec
ISO Equivalent640
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad29-Jun-2008 18:24
looks like he's getting a bit big for being lifted!
laine8229-Jun-2008 09:13
He's amazing, so cool !!