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joanteno | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Various projects and other stuff tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Best of Travel from US to UK, Australia, and other spectacular locations | My Favorites | Year 11 of Trying to Take a Picture a Day - Road Trip and More to Come | Picture a Day | Picture of the Week | Java, Moki, and Cino! | Scenes from Rhode Island | Sunrise from the End of the Street | Pictures with most hits | Portraits of Family and Friends | Travel | Birds and other creatures | Work Stuff | Various projects and other stuff | In Box | marcy_ | year_13_2017_pad_gallery_ | Best of 2018 -Exploring Oregon | Picture a day 2021 - good riddance to 2020 | PAD 2022 - Year 17 | calendar_2023_draft | Pemaquid Light House, Bristol Maine | London 2023 - | Best of PAD from 2005 | Best of Picture a Day from 2005 to present | Polo Newport vs Rome Italy team | Adventures in learning how to be a better dog photographer | Evolving style of photography | Dog Portfolio 2024 workin progress | Beautiful Tuscany | best_of_tuscany_ | Unleashed education Embark Challenges | GoDA - swedish for goodness

Various projects and other stuff

The Last Rose
:: The Last Rose ::
Potential Picture of the Day
:: Potential Picture of the Day ::
Up Close and personal
:: Up Close and personal ::
First days of shooting with Nikon D80
:: First days of shooting with Nikon D80 ::
Primary Color: It all about Color
:: Primary Color: It all about Color ::
In Box
:: In Box ::
Xmas on the bay
:: Xmas on the bay ::
:: solid_fact_series_photos ::
2 Stimson - My academic home 2003=2008
:: 2 Stimson - My academic home 2003=2008 ::
RISD Photo courses
:: RISD Photo courses ::
An Abandon Boat Next to Coffee Roaster in Tiverton RI
:: An Abandon Boat Next to Coffee Roaster in Tiverton RI ::
Film, Yea Film: Shooting Film for Challenge
:: Film, Yea Film: Shooting Film for Challenge ::
My first days with a Leica X1
:: My first days with a Leica X1 ::
The Doggie Beirut Journal:
:: The Doggie Beirut Journal: ::