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Miroslaw Tomaszewicz | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Velka Raca 2006
:: Velka Raca 2006 ::
Legionowo, Winter 2006
:: Legionowo, Winter 2006 ::
Scotland: Glasgow & Edinburgh, May 2004
:: Scotland: Glasgow & Edinburgh, May 2004 ::
October 2005, Warmia and Mazowsze Regions, Poland
:: October 2005, Warmia and Mazowsze Regions, Poland ::
Benedict XVI in Warsaw, 25th of May 2006
:: Benedict XVI in Warsaw, 25th of May 2006 ::
Bath (UK) , June 2005
:: Bath (UK) , June 2005 ::
Manchester & Leeds, May 2006
:: Manchester & Leeds, May 2006 ::
Goraszka Air-Show 2006
:: Goraszka Air-Show 2006 ::
Manchester & Birmingham, Summer 2006
:: Manchester & Birmingham, Summer 2006 ::
:: tomasz ::
Glasgow reminders - by Adrian
:: Glasgow reminders - by Adrian ::
Legionowo, Surrounding Meadows, Autumn 2007
:: Legionowo, Surrounding Meadows, Autumn 2007 ::
Strzelno 2007-07-24
:: Strzelno 2007-07-24 ::
ChĂȘciny 2008 ( Checiny :-) _ Checiny Castle
:: ChĂȘciny 2008 ( Checiny :-) _ Checiny Castle ::
Nasza Klasa 205
:: Nasza Klasa 205 ::