Message from Ronald Kamphuis
Welcome to my photogallery, my name is Ronald Kamphuis
All the pictures on this site are made by myself. I like nature and wildlife photography.I also have interest in photographing military aviation.
On this site you can see several galleries such as birds, animals, landscape and from military aviation. The pictures are taken in Holland and during my journeys and travels to Alaska, Canada, Germany, Switserland, Italy, Austria, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, sweden, England, Scotland, South Afrika, Iceland, Tanzania and Kenia.
My equipment is a Canon G12,Canon 5D MK3, Canon 7D, 500mmL IS F4 USM, 300mmL F4 IS,70-200mmL F4 IS USM and 17-40mmL F4 lenses from Canon.
For macro I use the Tamron 90mm 2.8 DI 1:1 . The tripods I use is a Gitzo G1348 with Manfrotto 490RC4 ballhead or Redged RGC-4 gimball and a Redged TSA-424 with RT-1. I use also a Canon 1.4x II extender
Ronald Kamphuis
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