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Stewart Oliver | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
The following pictures were taken over the period between 2003 and 2011. I enjoy taking landscape pictures of the most picturesque country in the world - Canada. Please enjoy these pictures and leave any comments. Thank you!
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Sunrises and sunsets
:: Sunrises and sunsets ::
Parc de la Vérendrye, Quebec, Canada (August, 2008)
:: Parc de la Vérendrye, Quebec, Canada (August, 2008) ::
Canadian army 1942 to 1946
:: Canadian army 1942 to 1946 ::
Turtles found at Quetico Provincial park in Ontario, Canada (July/2010)
:: Turtles found at Quetico Provincial park in Ontario, Canada (July/2010) ::
My favourite pictures
:: My favourite pictures ::
Kilarney National park, Ontario, Canada (2009)
:: Kilarney National park, Ontario, Canada (2009) ::
Quetico Provincial park in Ontario, Canada (July 19-30, 2010)
:: Quetico Provincial park in Ontario, Canada (July 19-30, 2010) ::
Long Pond lake, New York (Adirondacks) - 2007
:: Long Pond lake, New York (Adirondacks) - 2007 ::
Bonsai garden in St-Alphonse de Rodrigue, Quebec, Canada (2009)
:: Bonsai garden in St-Alphonse de Rodrigue, Quebec, Canada (2009) ::
Bonsai at the Montreal Botanical gardens (2013)
:: Bonsai at the Montreal Botanical gardens (2013) ::
Clouds over Hollywood (2009-2011)
:: Clouds over Hollywood (2009-2011) ::
Fort Myers sand castle tournament (Nov/2008)
:: Fort Myers sand castle tournament (Nov/2008) ::
Animals at rest (2003 -2021)
:: Animals at rest (2003 -2021) ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
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