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Profile for TravelEasy
Name TravelEasy (joined 11-Jul-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username taivo
Personal URL
Location Vietnamese Dutchman living in Singapore
Vietnamese Dutchman living in Singapore
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View Galleries : TravelEasy has 57 galleries and 789 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 883547 times.

View Guestbook : 22 messages. Most recent on 27-Sep-2010.

Message from TravelEasy
An avid traveller with a passion for adventures, hiking and trekking. I find it fascinating to interact with people from different cultures. An idea was born. Why not make travelling fun and easy? TravelEasy!

Stay tuned for upcoming launch. In the meantime do sign up for news and updates at

Photography is my hobby and I mostly practise it while I'm travelling, which I love to do a lot. My main subjects are typically street scenes/daily life and landscapes. I like to capture people in their natural environment: spontaneity is my motto.

I like photos that are slightly underexposed. Therefore, most of my photos have slightly darker tones.

Thank you for visiting my photo galleries! Hope to see you here again soon as I'll be travelling somewhere as always... :)

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