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Leo Tukker's Recent Galleries

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31-Jan-2025 13:50
Brileider (Spectacled Eider)
Brileider (Spectacled Eider)
15-Jan-2025 15:12
Vos (Red Fox)
Vos (Red Fox)
15-Jan-2025 15:12
Fotoreis Spanje 2024
Fotoreis Spanje 2024
11-Jan-2025 18:36
Torenvalk (Common Kestrel)
Torenvalk (Common Kestrel)
11-Jan-2025 18:35
Dodaars (Little Grebe)
Dodaars (Little Grebe)
11-Jan-2025 18:34
Paarse Strandloper (Purple Sandpiper)
Paarse Strandloper (Purple Sandpiper)
11-Jan-2025 18:33
Aalscholver (Great Cormorant)
Aalscholver (Great Cormorant)
06-Jan-2025 15:33
Spaanse Keizerarend (Spanish Imperial Eagle)
Spaanse Keizerarend (Spanish Imperial Eagle)
06-Jan-2025 15:04
Spaanse- of Iberische Steenbok (Iberian Ibex)
Spaanse- of Iberische Steenbok (Iberian Ibex)
06-Jan-2025 14:43
Pardellynx (Iberian Lynx)
Pardellynx (Iberian Lynx)
06-Jan-2025 11:49
Vale Gier (Griffon Vulture)
Vale Gier (Griffon Vulture)
06-Jan-2025 11:41
Rode Wouw (Red Kite)
Rode Wouw (Red Kite)