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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase My stick Week 7 Day 42 DSC_8101.jpg
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pbase My stick Week 7 Day 42 DSC_8101.jpg

Lovely morning sitting in the back yard watching Moki and Java running and playing.

Java will run full speed to reach a hiding place and Moki will just run circles around him barking..

Unlike Java, Moki loves to retrieve especially the blue ball that makes noice while rolling.

Polo was wonderful fun and very relaxing. Thanks Molly and Mark for coming. I did miss the shot of the night (was on my cell phone with a clinical call about a colleague's mother). A small yorkie ran out into the middle of the field. The riders were wonderful. They all brought the horse to a stop and they stood still while the the embarrassed owner went out on the field to get a spitfire yorkie barking at 8 horses, who amazingly stood still.

Nikon D300
1/160s f/5.0 at 92.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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optimist19-Jul-2008 20:52
Nice series.
nomadicdragon14-Jul-2008 03:00
awww. too cute.
Jackdad13-Jul-2008 18:17
Is it my eyes or has Java acquired a few grey hairs around the chin area since Moki arrived? ;-))
Malcolm Smith13-Jul-2008 16:30
From the thumbnail I thought this was a dog ripping plants apart! Great to see them having such fun together.
Johnny JAG13-Jul-2008 13:40
These two look like a lot of fun together.