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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture A DAY OR SO 2009 - year 5 >> March 2009 Picture a day (or maybe not) > SCREEN SHOT of Moki with 4 different Flash directions.jpg
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SCREEN SHOT of Moki with 4 different Flash directions.jpg

This is the screen shot of the following gallery of my third asisgnment for my photography class at RISD. The assignment is photograph someone with 4 different flash directions.
The first was direct flash, the second bounce off the cieling, the third bounce off a white paper card attached to the flash, and the fourth is the flash bounced off a white surface to the side.


other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Faye White16-Mar-2009 10:12
I prefer the one on the right also... your model did very well!
Sheila16-Mar-2009 01:42
I love the one far right.
Jackdad15-Mar-2009 22:18
Moki looks a bit puzzled. Or perhaps he's just considering where else to search for Java's toys... :-)