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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture A DAY OR SO 2009 - year 5 >> March 2009 Picture a day (or maybe not) > pbase Almost Done March 20 2009 P1000785.jpg
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pbase Almost Done March 20 2009 P1000785.jpg

Almost done # 1

I have framed two large photographs for my new office - the first a collage of moki, java, and my niece, Joan. The second was my niece sleeping at the bedside of my dying mother. This was my sabbatical - raising a wonderful puppy, vacation with my niece, a paper that I wrote for a medical journal, and sitting at the bed side of my mother in October.

So almost done - photographs to remind me of the highs and lows of 2008. Waiting to be hung.

Almost done # 2

David (of Oscar the Cat or for your HOUSE fans, Debbie the death cat - yes, it gets even more bizarre in that a US sitcom has character based on Oscar the Cat!) is almost done with his book on dying and dementia based on Oscar the Cat.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1
1/200s f/5.6 at 14.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad21-Mar-2009 18:33
wow what a great idea for your office. Choosing the right photos must have been difficult with so many shots to choose from!
How cool that Oscar has inspired a sitcom character! (even if it is called Debie?!!)
Bryan Murahashi21-Mar-2009 02:28
Very nice collages.
Gayle P. Clement21-Mar-2009 01:59
Beautiful work, Joan.
snootydog21-Mar-2009 00:16
All of this is so very cool.
optimist20-Mar-2009 23:54
I love the spacial relation in this photo...