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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> The Best of 2009 shots > pbase Full Oscar Sitting on the Bed 1 July 5 2009 _DSC5635.jpg
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pbase Full Oscar Sitting on the Bed 1 July 5 2009 _DSC5635.jpg

Oscar second 15 minutes of fame may be approaching in February! David's Book on Oscar and Persons that he has held vigil with over the last 3 years at Steere House Nursing Home and Rehab Center in Providence RI will be published in February 2, 2010!!!. I enjoyed the book and can't wait to get my autographed copy (hint, hint David!) .

Today, I spent the day shooting some pictures for a web site that will promote the book This is my favorite shot of Oscar. And, here is one of David helping with the Cat wrangling - which is impossible job. I now know where the phrase "herding cats" refers too.

Sitting in the sun, in my back yard - Dogs are well. Almost done with 3 days on call. Life is good!

Nikon D700
1/60s f/5.0 at 85.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Murahashi06-Jul-2009 04:49
Beautiful book portrait.
Jackdad05-Jul-2009 20:24
great shots of this special cat.