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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > Sunrise 1 vs 2 June 27 2010 .jpg
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Sunrise 1 vs 2 June 27 2010 .jpg

One picture is Leica - the other is Iphone 4..


other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine28-Jun-2010 22:47
Both works are good Joan...great sky!!
ewa toll28-Jun-2010 18:42
Kombizz28-Jun-2010 05:05
nice one
Karen Stuebing27-Jun-2010 22:02
Lovely with that cloud formation both in the sky and the water. V.
Jackdad27-Jun-2010 13:58
wonderful reflections!
cobler27-Jun-2010 12:43
Great scape. Excellent color and comp...V