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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week 2005 > Sunrise on for July 11.jpg
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Sunrise on for July 11.jpg

"Do Ahead"

28 hour business trip..
First sunrise in a long while.

Did take a picture on today, but the "Do Ahead" much better..

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX8
1/100s f/5.0 at 17.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Graham Tomlin17-Nov-2005 01:34
nice picture
fotabug01-Oct-2005 03:02
Very nice!
Molly Brewer 18-Sep-2005 12:04
Breath taking. Molly
Laryl08-Aug-2005 08:48
ok I'm way behind, but just now found this and wow.. awesome!
thank you for commenting on my pad image.. appreciate that :)
optimist11-Jul-2005 09:28
Steven Jusczyk11-Jul-2005 07:09
Beautiful shot. Nice treatment.
Jeffery Stahlman11-Jul-2005 02:02
terrific image
Wenche Aune10-Jul-2005 22:32
Beautiful sunrise.
Antonis Sarantos10-Jul-2005 22:29
Fantastic colours and light!
Guest 10-Jul-2005 18:35
JeremyGood10-Jul-2005 18:34
Josy's Pics10-Jul-2005 17:11
Amazing colors... beautiful...
uofmtiger10-Jul-2005 15:38
Very dramatic!GMV
Linda Willets10-Jul-2005 14:33
colors are amazing..
Jackdad10-Jul-2005 13:17
amazing colours. hope the business trip goes well! does this mean java gets a new toy as a present??
Guest 10-Jul-2005 12:10
beautiful indeed
Larry Ahern10-Jul-2005 10:35
This is beautiful!!
steve mcsweeny10-Jul-2005 10:30
Stunning beauty! that gets my vote!