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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises_in_2005 > Sunrise on August 28 2005 p.jpg
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Sunrise on August 28 2005 p.jpg

With this view, who would not go for an early am walk?

August 28 2005

Nikon D70
1/160s f/7.1 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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beverley harrison30-Aug-2005 09:28
just beautiful!
steve mcsweeny29-Aug-2005 10:24
I would just stand there and take shots all day:) Beautiful image!
Steven Jusczyk29-Aug-2005 07:08
Beautiful panorama!
Guest 29-Aug-2005 06:07
Jackdad29-Aug-2005 04:08
the trouble with dogs is that they have superb internal clocks. Pooch always knows when it's time to be fed, time for walkies etc and he is as accurate as any watch. What does Java do when the clocks go back for the winter? LOL
Mindy McNaugher29-Aug-2005 03:30
Stunning shot! Such beautiful colors and reflections! Wonderful tranquil mood! This could almost convince me to get up in time to see one of these sunrises! ;-)
Guest 28-Aug-2005 22:55
Looks like a painting. Beautiful!
joanteno28-Aug-2005 18:53
Thanks for your comments. The shot was taken at 6:08 am.. the sunrise is getting later and later.. so I am going to be walking in darkness. For some reasons, JAVA just can't adjust his sleep wake cycle.
Webman0628-Aug-2005 18:05
That sky sure is wonderfull.
Nice short but at what time ???
Herb 28-Aug-2005 14:12
Nice shot
Jude Marion28-Aug-2005 14:01
Beautiful panoramic view .... very painterly image, Joan
Glendower28-Aug-2005 12:18
Superb composition.