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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises_in_2005 > Pbase November 2 2005 Seafood Plant.jpg
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Pbase November 2 2005 Seafood Plant.jpg

Blount Seafood Plan

Sunrise on November 2 2005

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/125s f/5.6 at 13.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Arno Meintjes Wildlife26-Feb-2006 13:11
Beautiful image
Guest 12-Nov-2005 22:03
These blues are amazing.
Jackdad05-Nov-2005 17:32
Sheila05-Nov-2005 15:57
Wow, Joan, you have some incredible sunrises. This one is stunning.
I love the grass in the foreground too.
Karen Stuebing03-Nov-2005 10:49
Perfect moment of the morning to shoot this with sky glowing and the reflection on the water and the boat crossing the frame.
Steven Jusczyk03-Nov-2005 06:18
Great glow!
Dave Wyman03-Nov-2005 05:44
Yes, great color - and a very nice composition, too.
Brian McAllister03-Nov-2005 04:22
I agree with the other comments as well. Lovely rich colors and nice foreground details too.
Karen Leaf03-Nov-2005 04:10
There are good things about having to get up so early. I'm glad to let you do it as long as this is a result. Really nice Joan.
Joseph Brennskag03-Nov-2005 04:09
Joan...agree with the others...the color is wonderful. I like the grass in the anchors the photo and provides 'softness'. Great shot.
Mindy McNaugher03-Nov-2005 03:46
Absolutely exquisite shot!! The colors, the reflection, the mood - all fabulous!
Guest 03-Nov-2005 03:14
Oh, I'll trade you a red maple for this sunset!!!
Beautiful colors and light!
idle_hands03-Nov-2005 02:29
wow, gorgeous colour!