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joanteno | all galleries >> Pictures with most hits >> 500 to 1000 hits > pbase December 10 2005 On Call.jpg
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pbase December 10 2005 On Call.jpg

Day # 6 of being on call, this
is the view from the local coffee shop
where I grabbed a quick bite prior going
to the hospital. You never know
where you going to find your PaD!

December 10 2005

Leica D-Lux 2
1/8s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 12-Dec-2005 18:18
This is FABULOUS Joan! What wonderful light and mood! Stunning, great composition, wow! Voted!
Karen Leaf12-Dec-2005 00:33
Yep, Christmas card for sure.
Karen Stuebing11-Dec-2005 11:13
Excellent night photo and super lampost decorations. I've never seen any like that before. Agree. Xmas card photo.
steve mcsweeny11-Dec-2005 09:34
Awesome night shot. That’s a Christmas card for sure;)
Steven Jusczyk11-Dec-2005 08:56
Such a beautiful find, very nice!
Bryan Murahashi11-Dec-2005 04:44
Nice Christmas street shot.
Gayle P. Clement11-Dec-2005 01:07
Great capture of the light and stars.
...duncan11-Dec-2005 00:12
Love your use of light and the tone in the photo.
don nieman11-Dec-2005 00:10
Very prepared and ready to shoot at any moment. Nice Christmas image.
Pic Chick10-Dec-2005 23:59
And what a beautiful shot it is! Very Christmas Card-like!
idle_hands10-Dec-2005 22:35
very festive against the inky black sky. nice joan!
Jackdad10-Dec-2005 22:16
winter wonderland!
Guest 10-Dec-2005 21:48
Beautiful and full of holiday spirit! Lighting is gorgeous!
northstar3710-Dec-2005 21:12
the milky way!
JW10-Dec-2005 20:56
What a superb Christmassy image. SO original and well done.
Mindy McNaugher10-Dec-2005 20:44
Oh, how beautiful! Warm and cozy looking despite the cold!