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joanteno | all galleries >> Portraits of Family and Friends >> Portfolio > Pbase Joan vs 1 12 26 2005.jpg
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Pbase Joan vs 1 12 26 2005.jpg

My neice, Joan H, prior to hitting the mall

Shirt from Aunt Joan
Purse from Mom and Dad

12 26 2005

Few other shots --

Nikon D70
1/25s f/2.5 at 50.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 13-Jun-2006 22:58
Great shots :-)))
Sheila27-Dec-2005 23:32
Great portrait!
Karen Stuebing27-Dec-2005 12:43
Great POV for this portrait. She has beautiful red hair and green eyes. and she looks really nice in her new Xmas outfit.
Steven Jusczyk27-Dec-2005 08:30
Nicely documented!
Gayle P. Clement27-Dec-2005 03:54
Really well done.
jude27-Dec-2005 02:04
These are all fantastic.. the way she is angled across from corner to corner.
Guest 26-Dec-2005 23:39
wished i had a model. :)
Jackdad26-Dec-2005 23:17
she's doing well to have money left after Christmas!! I've spent all mine.
...duncan26-Dec-2005 23:10
Nice pic. Love the compo. Well done
Guest 26-Dec-2005 23:05
Nice purse, it goes well with the shirt. Now don't eat your money, that's what credit cards like to do.