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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week for 2006-2015 and now 2021 > Pbase 1 2 2006 .jpg
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02-JAN-2006 joan m teno

Pbase 1 2 2006 .jpg

White Church Parking Lot

Nor-Easter predicted tommorrow..
Total snow between 8 and 12 inches..
I love winter..
I love winter..
I love winter..

If I say it enough times..

This was sunrise prior to predicted storm that is hitting later tonight :<

1 2 2006

Leica D-Lux 2
1/25s f/4.0 at 13.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 13-May-2006 06:38
Excellent ! great colors. Voted
Gerard Koehl01-Apr-2006 10:09
Magnifiques couleurs. Bravo...
Guest 15-Feb-2006 03:52
WOW what a lovely lovely sunset, what a lovely color!!!
Guest 21-Jan-2006 14:45
Beautiful colors. I love this image! Lynne
Chris08-Jan-2006 19:08
Nicki Thurgar06-Jan-2006 17:50
Beautiful shot!
nordic03-Jan-2006 23:53
Beautiful image...
Rochelle Weiss03-Jan-2006 18:14
Incredible sunrise. Very beautiful.
Sheila03-Jan-2006 11:22
Fabulous colours!
Just beautiful, vote!
don nieman03-Jan-2006 11:03
This is really pretty. Gee, we don't have any snow here in Buffalo.
Karen Stuebing03-Jan-2006 10:57
Amazing color. The icy blues work so well with the red sky. Think how pretty that snow will look. :)
Bryan Murahashi03-Jan-2006 07:08
Beautiful capture of the color in the sky and in the water.
Guest 03-Jan-2006 05:40
Beautiful capture, well done.
Steven Jusczyk03-Jan-2006 05:11
One of your best, Joan. Absolutely beautiful!
Karen Leaf03-Jan-2006 03:01
So far just rain, but tomorrow night is going to be a different story. Guess it's time to bring out the real boots and find the gloves. I understand the phonemena of snowbirds.
Very pretty subtle haze.
Guest 03-Jan-2006 02:46
Beautifil colors! My vote.
Guest 02-Jan-2006 23:02
Gorgeous colours - you DO love winter! :)
Pic Chick02-Jan-2006 22:49
"Red sky at morning, sailors take warning..." But they say NOTHING about photographers do they? Awesome shot!
Mindy McNaugher02-Jan-2006 21:48
Stunning colors and reflections!! You almost have me convinced to get up to witness a sunrise some morning! Though I don't think we have such great colors here in gray PA! Vote!
Graham Tomlin02-Jan-2006 21:36
nice picture regards Helen
northstar3702-Jan-2006 21:11
Lovely shade though!
laine8202-Jan-2006 21:03
What a glorious image. Almost makes me like the idea of winter...emphasis on almost !
Jackdad02-Jan-2006 20:55
a very beautiful sunrise. hope you and Java stay safe and warm in that cold.
viljamix02-Jan-2006 20:31
Absolutely gorgeous colours with the sky!
Guest 02-Jan-2006 20:29
Very beautiful image, lots of great detail in both the color, and the houses. But here's my opinion on snow ....
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography02-Jan-2006 20:20
Beautiful image :)
Linda Alstead02-Jan-2006 20:18
lovely lovely lovely
Bill Miller02-Jan-2006 20:17
That is some amazing coloured sky...