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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week for 2006-2015 and now 2021 > Pbase N and Java 3 Feb 24 2006_filtered.jpg
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Pbase N and Java 3 Feb 24 2006_filtered.jpg

Half day off to wait for home repair.

Prior to the wait for home repairs,
Java and I went to see a sick patient.
Mr. N has know Java since he was 8 weeks
old. Java was his sweet self..
Just sitting at his bed side.

Week 8 picture of the week!

Another shot..


Leica D-Lux 2
1/50s f/3.2 at 6.3mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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JW31-Mar-2006 19:42
Very poignant bearing given the later turn of events.

I think I would like to have a 'Java' around if I were in mr N's position.
Guest 06-Mar-2006 04:48
This is so sweet. I always thought it would be neat if my dog could be a therapy dog, but she's never been good with other dogs, and tends to be a little too excited to see people. Nice dog and nice shot you've got here.
Gayle P. Clement25-Feb-2006 01:58
A very touching shot.
Jackdad24-Feb-2006 22:55
What a good dog Java is! I am sure your patient must have found his presence very comforting.