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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > pbase March 22 2007.jpg
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pbase March 22 2007.jpg

Ok, the blind dog (gabi) is leading Java the way home..

Canon PowerShot G7
1/50s f/2.8 at 7.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Johnny JAG23-Mar-2007 20:28
We have the "Guide dogs for the blind association", Java has a blind dog for a guide. Nice one
Jackdad23-Mar-2007 19:07
is there a b*scuit waiting? Gabi seems in a hurry! :-)
ewa toll23-Mar-2007 12:14
very nice
Guest 23-Mar-2007 08:57
such a lovely shot.
Bryan Murahashi23-Mar-2007 05:05
Cute shot.
Pic Chick23-Mar-2007 04:38
Animals are so amazing...this is sweet.
Guest 23-Mar-2007 04:19
Such good creatures! Dear shot.
Gayle P. Clement23-Mar-2007 03:48
This is a very dear photo.
Guest 23-Mar-2007 03:21
Touching shot! V
Char23-Mar-2007 02:51
Sorry for some reason it didn't hyperlink.
Char23-Mar-2007 02:47
Hi Joan,
Jen sent me here to put a ping on your picture. Dogs seem to like the yellow line. Char