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joanteno | all galleries >> Scenes from Rhode Island >> Newport, Rhode Island > pbase Keep Eye on the ball July 7 2007 DSC_0442.jpg
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pbase Keep Eye on the ball July 7 2007 DSC_0442.jpg

Score -- Polo!

USA wins over France

Nikon D80
1/500s f/5.6 at 270.0mm iso220 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Stuebing08-Jul-2007 17:38
Super clarity and color on this action shot. Big V.
Guest 08-Jul-2007 17:00
Facsinating! V
JW08-Jul-2007 10:32
I've been telling myself since your last Polo shots that I must get along to our local Polo field with the camera. Thanks for the prompt, and what stunning capture. Love the slightly disjointed balance in the composition - oh and the matching smiles!!!! LOL
Guest 08-Jul-2007 10:08
great action shot.
Sheila08-Jul-2007 01:23
The horse seems to be laughing too!
Guest 08-Jul-2007 01:18