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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> July 2007 > pbase July 24 2007 R1011159.jpg
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pbase July 24 2007 R1011159.jpg

The perfect place to read a book.. (Jacks Wraps, Providence RI)

Despite a hectic week (getting a grant out and being on call), I pretty excited about the PaD that I have lined up for tommorrow.
It involves Oscar the cat (see below) and embargo that can't be lifted until tommorrow at 5 pm EST.

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/50s f/2.5 at 5.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 25-Jul-2007 08:51
very pleasant image.
Mindy McNaugher25-Jul-2007 03:19
Awesome colors and composition! Love it! Vote!
Guest 25-Jul-2007 01:08
This is really great! V
Sheila25-Jul-2007 00:48
Fantastic shade of red on the wall. Lovely!
Linda Alstead24-Jul-2007 22:56
ooohhh now there's a that wall colour