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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Java 2008 Pictures > pbase The listening look March 1 DSC_3913.jpg
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pbase The listening look March 1 DSC_3913.jpg

Bent over, she tries to rise from her chair leaning on her aged, wood cane.

Wobbling, she stands in front of the elevator of the 31 bed nursing
unit for persons with dementia.

Doggie. Come here.. Come here. Here doggie..

Sorry, he is not with me today. I was in Boston, they don't allow dogs in hotels.

Dejected, she takes her seat to wait for the black doggie with the pink pig that bring her joy
each week.

Nikon D300
1/30s f/2.8 at 45.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Greg Harp04-Mar-2008 05:45
Terrific shot.
Guest 03-Mar-2008 22:34
Who could not just love that face !
Jackdad03-Mar-2008 21:29
they don't allow dogs in hotels?? Wow, a lot of places do over here. Poor Java - I expect he's sorry to miss out on his visit too.
Katie Chew02-Mar-2008 19:31
Very nice shot! V
Karen Stuebing02-Mar-2008 14:10
Lovely photo of Java looking very serious. Beautiful commentary. I'm sure Java has lightened a lot of hearts. Love that dog. V.
ewa toll02-Mar-2008 14:01
laine8202-Mar-2008 10:02
It will be 10 years this week since my mother passed away...she was a victim of Altzheimers...way too young. This is a beautiful face, Joan.
Guest 02-Mar-2008 03:53
The black doggie with the pink pig brings all of us joy each week.
royalld01-Mar-2008 22:27
Wow... you touched me with that one.
Johnny JAG01-Mar-2008 20:02
And he never refuses her pleas!