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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase Crash Moki Week 4 day 21 IMG_0128.jpg
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pbase Crash Moki Week 4 day 21 IMG_0128.jpg

Yes, Moki eventually runs out energy. He was really good yesterday. He slept through most of a going a way party. Then, he had his first professional photo shoot with Pbaser Karen Leaf! Fortunately, No 5Ds were harmed in taking of the family photo of my self, my neice, and all 3 dogs.

Canon PowerShot SD870 IS
1/100s f/2.8 at 4.6mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad23-Jun-2008 19:04
LOL does he do the sucking and paw-twitching thing when he's dreaming? :-)
Katie Chew23-Jun-2008 16:58
Nice shot.
Bryan Murahashi23-Jun-2008 15:46
Sweet shot.
laine8223-Jun-2008 14:24
awe, babies are beautiful when they're asleep :>)