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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> RISD Photo courses >> Rhode Island School of Design Photo Course - Photo LIghting >> Top 25 shots During Photo Lighting Class 1 > pbase Lucas April 18 2009 _DSC4281.jpg
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pbase Lucas April 18 2009 _DSC4281.jpg

Linnea's older brother Lucas..

So here is the light set up

SB 800, standing against a box on chairs slightly above the
dog's head with main light from camera's flash ..

Weird sound made by the photographer resulted in head

Nikon D700
1/60s f/4.0 at 38.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Algis Kemezys22-Apr-2009 05:18
Lucas is such a darling....
laine19-Apr-2009 23:18
Both as cute as can be !!
Jackdad19-Apr-2009 19:47
love the head tilt!
I too have a repertoire of 'interesting noises'. ;-) Pooch's current favourite is the 'fake pheasant call'.
Sue Roberts19-Apr-2009 14:31
you must be the dog whisperer! you sure can make them doggies pay attention to you!
Gayle P. Clement19-Apr-2009 14:21
Precious little dogs, Joan. Well done.