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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> persons > Sunset on September 23 2005.jpg
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Sunset on September 23 2005.jpg

The last rays of the day..

Happy Friday!

September 23 2005

Panasonic DMC-LC1
1/250s f/4.8 at 22.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bob Foisel29-Dec-2005 17:11
steve mcsweeny14-Oct-2005 20:18
Oh,my I missed this one.Stunning,perfect,Beautiful! I could go on and on;).My vote!
Pic Chick04-Oct-2005 19:10
What a touching photo - usually you only see the 'couple', but so cute that the little guy is with them too! Great Family shot and what a gorgeous sunset!! Well done!
Bryan Murahashi25-Sep-2005 03:14
Great golden sunset shot. Very nice shot. GMV.
Karen Stuebing24-Sep-2005 09:44
This is a joyful photo to accompany your Happy Friday wishes. Pure liquid gold and people holding on to one another. Beautiful.
viljamix24-Sep-2005 06:03
Lovely. Beautiful colors and nice composition. I especially like the layered structure of this image.
Karen Leaf24-Sep-2005 02:33
Yeah.... this is how it should end. Wonderful.
Graham Tomlin24-Sep-2005 01:48
fab picture
Gary Hebert24-Sep-2005 01:24
and Happy Friday to you joan... I will now sit back and enjoy this golden peaceful scene... :)
Mindy McNaugher24-Sep-2005 00:50
Finally, a time of day I can relate to! ;-) Sunset! Those sunrises were shaming me - that I never rise that early! This is stunning!! Fabulous colors, reflections, silhouette and mood! Vote!
Sheila23-Sep-2005 23:47
Oh what a beauty!
From the little I saw of ours on Friday, it was a golden one like yours.