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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Primary Color: It all about Color > pbase Seeing Red Feb 15 2006.jpg
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pbase Seeing Red Feb 15 2006.jpg

Grafiti on campus.. where thers is some of the
most beautiful Victorians..

Picture of the week 7

Feb 15 2006

Leica D-Lux 2
1/500s f/4.0 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Robert Charity22-Aug-2006 02:05
now that red, nice
Guest 27-Feb-2006 15:12
My only suggestion to improve this one would be to print it out and hang it up on a wall! A very superb photo.
Marc Demoulin23-Feb-2006 06:56
Excellent abstract!!
Guest 21-Feb-2006 10:02
Great abstract shot. Love the red colour and the patterns!
Karen Stuebing16-Feb-2006 11:02
Makes a great abstract with the bold color and high contrast. And perfect for Valentine's Day.
Bryan Murahashi16-Feb-2006 05:27
Nice, bright colors here
Greg Harp16-Feb-2006 03:48
Steven Jusczyk16-Feb-2006 03:47
Good contrast, vibrant reds!
...duncan16-Feb-2006 02:38
Excellent contrasty shot.
Sheila16-Feb-2006 02:18
Warning! Sunglasses needed!
Excellent colour!
Guest 16-Feb-2006 01:27
Cool vivid image