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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> objects > pbase follow the red route 3 October 11 2006.jpg
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pbase follow the red route 3 October 11 2006.jpg

Picture of the Week

I did shoot a PaD, but like this image from yesterday
from my walk around London.

If all goes well, I will have flown across the pond
and submitted a grant.

Here is my London office (at Cafe Nero, cheap wifi!).

It been a fun trip.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01
1/160s f/2.8 at 4.6mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Guest 21-Oct-2006 19:18
A superb photo; graphic art. Congratulations, Joan.
Greg Harp16-Oct-2006 02:21
Marvelous work.
Bob B.13-Oct-2006 00:03
Nice Red comp! v
Guest 12-Oct-2006 19:23
This is great, beautiful colors, very well seen!
royalld12-Oct-2006 11:58
I know it is static, but I feel a great sense of motion in this shot.
Joanne Kamo12-Oct-2006 10:09
Really cool design and textures. V
Steven Jusczyk12-Oct-2006 07:50
Good eye, great art!